- Home
- Accessibility
Registration and licensing
- Physician associate and anaesthesia associate policies and guidance for decision makers
- Closing temporary emergency registration
- Our registers
Join our registers
- Register as a doctor
- Register as a physician associate
- Register as an anaesthesia associate
- Applying for specialist or GP registration
- List of specialist application guides
Before you apply guide for doctors
- Evidence of your knowledge of English
- Acceptable overseas qualifications
- Primary source verification for international medical graduates
- Applying for registration using sponsorship
- Acceptable postgraduate qualifications
- Check if your practical training (internship) is acceptable
- Evidence of your fitness to practise
- Help for refugee doctors
- Before you apply guide for physician associates
- Before you apply guide for anaesthesia associates
- Help for refugee physician associates and anaesthesia associates
- What to tell us when you apply guide for doctors
- What to tell us when you apply guide for physician associates and anaesthesia associates
Registration application finder
- Recognised specialist qualifications list
- References for Recognised Specialist Qualification
- Apply for registration
- What to tell us when you apply – declaration tool
- How to verify evidence for specialist and GP applications
- Guidance on choosing referees
- Specialty specific guidance for Portfolio pathway applications
- Structuring your CV for a specialist or GP registration application
- Translation of evidence for specialist and GP registration
- Attaching your documents to your application
- Guidance on identity checks
- Employer references for physician associates (PA) and anaesthesia associates (AA)
- Evidence of your knowledge of English for physician associates and anaesthesia associates
- Certificate of Current Professional Status (CCPS) for physician associates and anaesthesia associates
PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board)
- A guide to the PLAB test
- PLAB reports
- Recent pass rates for PLAB 1 and PLAB 2
- Become a PLAB examiner
PLAB 1 guide
- What is the PLAB 1 exam?
- When and where can I take PLAB 1?
- Information on booking a PLAB 1 place
- How to cancel your booking, and our approach to other exam disruptions
- What resources should you use to prepare?
- Sample questions
- Do you require adjustments to your exam due to a health need?
- What can you expect on the day?
- Your results
- What do you do after you get your results?
- Are you eligible for an additional PLAB 1 attempt?
- How do you appeal your PLAB 1 result?
- Misconduct procedures
- Case study of a candidate misconduct at the PLAB exam
- Anti-bribery policy PLAB1
- PLAB and the Medical Licensing Assessment (MLA) requirements
PLAB 2 guide
- What is the PLAB 2 exam?
- How will you be tested?
- When and where can you take PLAB 2?
- Information on booking a PLAB 2 place
- How to cancel your booking and our approach to other exam disruptions
- What resources should you use to prepare?
- A sample OSCE station
- Do you require adjustments to your exam due to a health need?
- What can you expect on the day?
- How do you get your PLAB 2 results?
- Understanding your results
- What do you do after you get your results?
- Are you eligible for an additional PLAB 2 attempt?
- How do you appeal your PLAB 2 result?
- Misconduct procedure
- Case study of candidate misconduct at the PLAB exam
- Anti-bribery policy
- PLAB and the Medical Licensing Assessment (MLA) requirements
- Information about the physician associate registration assessment
- Information about the anaesthesia associate registration assessment
European Economic Area country qualifications
- Evidence of qualifications from Austria
- Evidence of qualifications from Belgium
- Evidence of qualifications from Bulgaria
- Evidence of qualifications from Croatia
- Evidence of qualifications from Cyprus
- Evidence of qualifications from the Czech Republic
- Evidence of qualifications from Denmark
- Evidence of qualifications from Estonia
- Evidence of qualifications from Finland
- Evidence of qualifications from France
- Evidence of qualifications from Germany
- Evidence of qualifications from Greece
- Evidence of qualifications from Hungary
- Evidence of qualifications from Iceland
- Evidence of qualifications from Ireland
- Evidence of qualifications from Italy
- Evidence of qualifications from Latvia
- Evidence of qualifications from Lithuania
- Evidence of qualifications from Luxembourg
- Evidence of qualifications from Malta
- Evidence of qualifications from Norway
- Evidence of qualifications from Poland
- Evidence of qualifications from Portugal
- Evidence of qualifications from Romania
- Evidence of qualifications from Slovakia
- Evidence of qualifications from Slovenia
- Evidence of qualifications from Spain
- Evidence of qualifications from Sweden
- Evidence of qualifications from Switzerland
- Evidence of qualifications from the Netherlands
- Local competent authorities in Germany
- Local competent authorities in Greece
- Local competent authorities in Poland
- Provisional registration
- Foundation Programme
Managing your registration
- Revalidation for doctors
- Supporting in revalidation
- Revalidation resources
- Future revalidation for physician associates and anaesthesia associates
- Revalidation Statements
- Revalidation for doctors: questions and answers
- The roles and responsibilities of stakeholders for revalidation
- The legislation that supports revalidation
- Glossary - revalidation
Guidance for doctors’: requirements for revalidation
- Revalidation requirements for doctors
- Additional requirements for doctors without a connection
- Revalidation requirements for doctors in training
- When and how the revalidation recommendation is made
- The GMC's decision
- Restoring a licence to practise
- Appealing a decision about the withdrawal of your licence
Guidance on supporting information for revalidation
- Guidance on supporting information for revalidation
- Meeting our revalidation requirements: overarching principles
- Continuing professional development (CPD)
- Quality improvement activity
- Significant events
- Patient feedback (or feedback from those you provide medical services to)
- Colleague feedback
- Compliments and complaints
- The GMC protocol for making revalidation recommendations
- Information sharing principles
- Switching to paperless revalidation notices
- How can patients get involved in revalidation?
- What is revalidation?
- Find your connection for revalidation
- The revalidation assessment for doctors without a responsible officer or approved suitable person
- Becoming and acting as a suitable person
Proof of registration
- CGS directory for doctors
- Certificates of proof of entry on the register
- Confirmation of UK training
- Request a certificate to show your good standing with us
- Requesting a duplicate certificate
- Demonstrating specialist and general practice registration
- Verifying specialist and general practice registration
- Changing your status on our registers
- Appeals
- Information for doctors on the register
- Information for registered physician associates (PAs) and anaesthesia associates (AAs)
- A doctor’s guide to GMC Online
- GMC Online guides
- A guide to GMC Online for physician associates and anaesthesia associates
- Employers medical schools and colleges
- Information for physician associate and anaesthesia associate course providers
- Employing a physician associate or an anaesthesia associate
Professional standards
The professional standards
- Identifying and managing conflicts of interest
- Maintaining personal and professional boundaries
- Providing witness statements or expert evidence as part of legal proceedings
- Using social media as a medical professional
- Good medical practice
0–18 years
- About the guidance
- Assessing best interests
- Communication
- Making decisions
- Principles of confidentiality
- Accessing medical records by children/young people/parents
- Child protection
- Sexual activity
- Contraception, abortion and sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
- Suitability to work with children and young people
- Complaints
- Prescribing medicines
- Legislation and case law
- Openness and honesty when things go wrong: The professional duty of candour
Confidentiality: good practice in handling patient information
- About our Confidentiality guidance
- Ethical and legal duties of confidentiality
- The main principles of this guidance
- Disclosing patients' personal information: a framework
- Using and disclosing patient information for direct care
- Disclosures for the protection of patients and others
- Using and disclosing patient information for secondary purposes
- Managing and protecting personal information
- Legal annex
- Confidentiality: disclosing information for education and training purposes
- Confidentiality: disclosing information about serious communicable diseases
- Confidentiality: disclosing information for employment, insurance and similar purposes
- Confidentiality: patients' fitness to drive and reporting concerns to the DVLA or DVA
- Confidentiality: reporting gunshot and knife wounds
- Confidentiality: responding to criticism in the media
- Consent to research
- Cosmetic interventions
Decision making and consent
- About our Decision making and consent guidance
- How to use this guidance
- The seven principles of decision making and consent
- The scope of this guidance
- Taking a proportionate approach
- The dialogue leading to a decision
- The dialogue leading to a decision continued
- The dialogue leading to a decision continued
- The dialogue leading to a decision continued
- Recording decisions
- Reviewing decisions
- Circumstances that affect the decision-making process
- Circumstances that affect the decision-making process continued
- Circumstances that affect the decision-making process continued
- Circumstances that affect the decision-making process continued
- Delegation and referral
- Ending your professional relationship with a patient
Good practice in proposing, prescribing, providing and managing medicines and devices
- About this guidance
- Keeping up to date and ensuring safe prescribing
- Deciding if it is safe to propose, prescribe or provide medicines, treatment and devices
- Controlled drugs and other medicines where additional safeguards are needed
- Shared care
- Raising concerns
- Reporting adverse drug reactions, medical device incidents and other patient safety incidents
- Reviewing medicines
- Repeat prescribing and prescribing with repeats
- Prescribing unlicensed medicines
- Sports medicine
- Good practice in research
- Intimate examinations and chaperones
- Leadership and management
Making and using visual and audio recordings of patients
- Making and using visual and audio recordings of patients
- About our Making and using recordings guidance
- Principles
- Recordings made as part of a patients care, including investigation or treatment of a condition
- Recordings made for research teaching training and other healthcare related purposes
- Recordings for use in widely accessible public media – television radio internet print
- Deceased patients
- Making recordings covertly
- Recording telephone calls
- Storing and disposing of recordings
- Personal beliefs and medical practice
Protecting children and young people
- About our Protecting children and young people guidance
- Principles for protecting children and young people
- Identifying those at risk of, or suffering, abuse or neglect
- Communication and support
- Working in partnership
- Confidentiality and sharing information
- Keeping records
- Child protection examinations
- Training and development
- Giving evidence in court
- Appendix 2 - Assessing best interests
- Definitions of children, young people and parents
- Raising and acting on concerns about patient safety
- Reporting criminal and regulatory proceedings within and outside the UK
Treatment and care towards the end of life: good practice in decision making
- About our Treatment and care towards the end of life guidance
- Guidance: Treatment and care towards the end of life
- Principles
- Decision-making models
- Working with the principles and decision-making models
- Working with the principles and decision-making models - cont.
- Working with the principles and decision-making models - cont.
- Neonates, children and young people
- Meeting patients' nutrition and hydration needs
- Clinically assisted nutrition and hydration
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
- Legal annex
- Glossary of terms
- When a patient seeks advice or information about assistance to die
- Archived professional standards
- Ethical hub
Learning materials
- Case study on responding to racism from a patient's carer
- Confidentiality decision tool
- A doctor’s guide to everyday leadership
- Artificial intelligence and innovative technologies
- Case study on freedom to speak up
- Consensual relationship impacting team opportunities
- Discrimination and misconduct by clinical supervisor
- Guide to the professional standards for physician associates and anaesthesia associates
- Power imbalance in clinical placement
- Prescribing for patients overseas
- Prescribing without access to patient records
- Five key points on providing inclusive care to transgender and gender diverse patients
- Relationship with former patient
- Suitability of mode of consultation
- Sustainability Q&A
- Good medical practice in action
- Child protection decision tool
- Disagreement with an occupational health report
- Disclosing medical records after death
- Sharing information with family members
- Remote prescribing high level principles
- Information for doctors on Cannabis-based products for medicinal use (CBPMs)
- A colleague’s behaviour
- Five things to know about our Confidentiality guidance and the GDPR
- Talking about end of life care: clinically assisted nutrition and hydration
- Explaining risks and seeking informed consent
- Sharing information about a patient’s HIV status
- Raising a concern about a colleague’s possible drug addiction
- CANH for doctors and healthcare colleagues including senior hospital management
- CANH for patients and families
- Raising and acting on concerns flowchart
- What is mental capacity?
- Questions about our cosmetic interventions guidance
- Whistleblowing
- Trans health
- Remote consultations flowchart
- Capacity to manage care - part 1
- Older adults
- Making decisions together: the implications of the Montgomery judgment
- A colleague’s underperformance
- Reasonable adjustments
- Disclosure to the police
- Discussing the risks of further cosmetic surgery
- Communication in end of life care
- End of life care and clinically assisted nutrition and hydration in an older person
- Involving other professionals
- Attitudes and assumptions
- Competing interests and incentives
- Talking mats
- Declaring a conflict of interest
- Laser eye surgery and time-limited offers
- Payment of fees
- Making referrals to a colleague
- Patient safety and putting matters right
- NHS referral to private treatment
- Identifying and acting on patient safety concerns
- Working with carers
- Capacity to consent to treatment and care in an older person
- Local incident reporting arrangements
- Prescription direction
- Confidentiality and potential abuse of an older adult
- What do patients think?
- A parent’s lifestyle choice – part one
- Reporting near misses
- Supporting patients to make decisions about their care at the end of life
- Supporting patients to make decisions about their care
- Raising concerns with the right person
- Missed diagnosis
- Radiologist error
- Raising concerns about the ratio of trainees
- Culture and religion
- Escalating concerns
- Escalating concerns to a higher level
- Disclosure when a patient has a serious communicable disease
- Making decisions when a patient lacks capacity
- Escalating patient safety concerns
- Reporting a crime
- Concerns about a sex offender
- Raising a concern with a regulator
- The legal protections
- Parent refuses consent – part one
- Parent refuses consent – part two
- Parent refuses consent – part three
- Disclosing information for financial audit purposes
- Disclosing information for tax purposes
- Disclosure for local clinical audit
- Parental responsibility and the child’s best interest
- Using patient information for research purposes
- Protecting children from neglect or abuse
- Sharing information when a patient has a stab wound
- Escalating concerns within your organisation
- Disclosure when there is suspected domestic abuse
- Listening to concerns from the patients’ family
- A colleague's fitness to practise
- Sharing information with non-clinical staff involved in the direct care of a patient
- Should a doctor disclose evidence of abuse without the patient’s consent?
- 'Challenging' behaviour is a form of communication
- Caring for a patient who has made an advance decision to refuse treatment
- Assessing capacity in a patient with a learning disability
- Reporting incidents and raising concerns
- Routine local incident reporting arrangements
- Disclosure when there is known domestic abuse
- Assessing the capacity of a young person when they are facing a terminal illness
Patients document archive
- Reasonable adjustments for disabled patients
- Trafod eich gofal gyda'ch meddyg
- Talking to your doctor about your care
- Your rights as lesbian, gay, bi and trans patients
- A patient's guide to good medical practice
- Sexual misconduct by a doctor, physician associate or anaesthesia associate: a guide for patients and the public
- WtUKP – did you get it right?
- Good medical practice 2024
The professional standards
Education standards, guidance and curricula
Standards and outcomes
- PA and AA generic and shared learning outcomes
- Excellence by design
- Generic professional capabilities framework
- Outcomes for graduates
- PA and AA pre-qualification education framework
- Promoting excellence
- Standards for PA and AA curricula
- Standards for the delivery of PA and AA pre-qualification education
- Outcomes for provisionally registered doctors
- Continuing professional development
- Credentialing
- Designing and maintaining postgraduate assessment programmes
- Equality and diversity guidance for curricula and assessment systems
- Guide to evaluating interventions (differential attainment)
- Generic professional capabilities: guidance on implementation
- Mentoring toolkit
- National professional examinations
- Out of programme (OOP)
- Programme and site approvals
Student professionalism and fitness to practise
- Student professionalism and FTP guidance for medical students and schools
- Student professionalism and FTP guidance for PA and AA students and course providers
- Achieving good medical practice: guidance for medical students
- Achieving good medical practice: guidance for PA and AA students
- Good practice: examples submitted by medical educators
- Private life and social media
- Professional behaviour and fitness to practise
- Professional behaviour and fitness to practise – guidance for course providers and employers
- Professionalism in teaching
- Guidance for medical students on protected cautions, convictions and fixed penalty notices
- Medical student competition 2024
- Student scenarios
- Working with others
- Thought pieces
- Myths and questions about professionalism and fitness to practise
- Promoting excellence: equality and diversity considerations
Reflective practice learning materials
- The reflective practitioner - guidance for doctors and medical students
- The reflective practitioner - workshop
- The reflective practitioner - a guide for medical students
- Self-learning: The reflective practitioner
- Reflective discussion with appraiser
- Supporting reflection
- Being a doctor and staying a person
- Reflecting on an experience: breaking bad news
- Reflecting on an experience: CPR conversation
- Reflecting on an experience: recording of mental capacity audit
- Schwartz Rounds
- Benefits of becoming a reflective practitioner
- Religious and personal beliefs
- Supporting students with mental health conditions
- Tackling differential attainment
Undergraduate clinical placements
- Guidance on undergraduate clinical placements
- Clinical placements - What to expect as a medical student
- Community and Rural Education Route (CARER) placement at Cardiff University School of Medicine
- Palliative care clinical placement at School of Medicine, University of Liverpool
- General Practice clinical placements at Warwick Medical School
- Population Health clinical placement at the University of Manchester
- Ophthalmology clinical placement at Queen Mary University of London, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
- General Practice clinical placements at Bristol Medical School
- Interprofessional clinical placement at St Andrews School of Medicine
Welcomed and valued
- Health and disability in medicine
- Our involvement as a professional regulator
- What is expected of medical education organisations and employers?
- How can medical schools apply their duties?
- Transition from medical school to Foundation training
- How can postgraduate training organisations apply their duties?
- Disabled doctors exist: celebrating their contribution to medicine
- How disability is viewed by patients, colleagues and educators
- Supporting the individual: reasonable adjustments and flexibility
- Moving through education - support at transition points
- A culture of support - what general initiatives are needed
Welcomed and valued resources
- Able medics podcast
- Adapting practice, individualised support and sharing information
- Being disabled goes against the doctor stereotype
- Being proactive and planning for reasonable adjustments
- Different support is needed in different training settings
- Dyslexia support in medical training
- Lack of continuity in support after graduation
- Making the case for support in a complex system
- Misunderstandings around disability and reasonable adjustments
- Moving through training with a long term health condition
- Moving through training with a mental health condition
- Recognising the benefits that disabled doctors bring to a team
- Securing reasonable adjustments when always moving on
- Supporting doctors with fluctuating chronic conditions
- The benefits of an open and respectful team
- The importance of flexible and anticipated adjustments
- The importance of good occupational health support
- Using my experience as a vulnerable patient to become a better doctor
- Examples of reasonable adjustments
- Appendix - useful resources
- Shape of training review
Position statements
- Absences from training in the Foundation Programme
- Approval of foundation programme training and new programmes for provisionally registered doctors outside the UK
- CPR clarification statement
- First do no harm: enhancing patient safety teaching in undergraduate medical education
- UK medical education delivered outside the UK
- Improving the national consistency and approval of sub-specialty training programmes
- Less than full time training
- National training numbers appendix
- Normalising research – Promoting research for all doctors
- Oral and maxilofacial surgery
- Our vision for the future of medical education and training
- Planetary health and sustainable healthcare in medical education standards and outcomes
- Recognising and approving trainers: the implementation plan
- Retired examiners
- Time out of training
- Transition of learners to a new curriculum
- Projects
GMC approved postgraduate curricula
- Derogations from approved curricula
- Acute care common stem
- Acute internal medicine curriculum
- Allergy curriculum
- Anaesthetics curriculum
- Audio vestibular medicine curriculum
- Aviation and space medicine curriculum
- Broad based training (BBT)
- Cardiology curriculum
- Cardio-thoracic surgery curriculum
- Chemical pathology curriculum
- Child and adolescent psychiatry curriculum
- Clinical oncology curriculum
- Child mental health curriculum
- Clinical radiology curriculum
- Clinical genetics curriculum
- Clinical neurophysiology curriculum
- Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics curriculum
- Community child health curriculum
- Community sexual and reproductive health curriculum
- Congenital cardiac surgery curriculum
- Core medical training (CMT)
- Core psychiatry
- Core surgery
- Cytopathology curriculum
- Dermatology curriculum
- Diagnostic neuropathology curriculum
- Emergency medicine curriculum
- Endocrinology and diabetes mellitus curriculum
- Forensic histopathology curriculum
- Forensic psychiatry curriculum
- Foundation Programme curriculum
- Gastro-enterology curriculum
- General (internal) medicine curriculum
- General practice curriculum
- General psychiatry curriculum
- General surgery curriculum
- Genito-urinary medicine curriculum
- Geriatric medicine curriculum
- Gynaecological oncology curriculum
- Haematology curriculum
- Hepatology curriculum
- Histopathology curriculum
- Immunology curriculum
- Infectious diseases curriculum
- Intensive care medicine curriculum
- Internal medicine - stage one
- Interventional radiology curriculum
- Liaison psychiatry curriculum
- Maternal and fetal medicine curriculum
- Medical microbiology curriculum
- Medical oncology curriculum
- Medical ophthalmology curriculum
- Medical psychotherapy curriculum
- Medical virology curriculum
- Metabolic medicine curriculum
- Neonatal medicine curriculum
- Neurology curriculum
- Neurosurgery curriculum
- Nuclear medicine curriculum
- Obstetrics and gynaecology curriculum
- Occupational medicine curriculum
- Old age psychiatry curriculum
- Ophthalmology curriculum
- Oral and maxillo-facial surgery curriculum
- Otolaryngology curriculum
- Paediatric allergy, immunology and infectious diseases curriculum
- Paediatric and perinatal pathology curriculum
- Paediatric cardiology curriculum
- Paediatric clinical pharmacology and therapeutics curriculum
- Paediatric diabetes and endocrinology curriculum
- Paediatric emergency medicine curriculum
- Paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition curriculum
- Paediatric inherited metabolic medicine curriculum
- Paediatric intensive care medicine curriculum
- Paediatric nephrology curriculum
- Paediatric neurodisability curriculum
- Paediatric neurology curriculum
- Paediatric oncology curriculum
- Paediatric palliative medicine curriculum
- Paediatric respiratory medicine curriculum
- Paediatric rheumatology curriculum
- Paediatric surgery curriculum
- Paediatrics curriculum
- Palliative medicine curriculum
- Pharmaceutical medicine curriculum
- Plastic surgery curriculum
- Pre-hospital emergency medicine curriculum
- Psychiatry of learning disability curriculum
- Public health medicine curriculum
- Rehabilitation medicine curriculum
- Rehabilitation psychiatry curriculum
- Renal medicine curriculum
- Reproductive medicine curriculum
- Respiratory medicine curriculum
- Rheumatology curriculum
- Sport and exercise medicine curriculum
- Stroke medicine curriculum
- Addiction psychiatry curriculum
- Trauma and orthopaedic surgery curriculum
- Tropical medicine curriculum
- Urogynaecology curriculum
- Urology curriculum
- Vascular surgery curriculum
Standards and outcomes
How we quality assure education and training
- How we quality assure physician associate and anaesthesia associate courses
Approving education and training
- How we approve physician associate and anaesthesia associate curricula
- How we approve postgraduate curricula
- Postgraduate programme and site approval
- Approval of trainers
- Institutions awarding UK medical degrees and the new programmes process
- New schools and programmes process
- GMC approved national PA and AA curricula
- Approved courses that lead to the award of UK PA and AA qualifications and the new courses process
- New PA and AA courses process
Evidence, data and intelligence
National training surveys
- National training survey (NTS) – Doctors in training
- National training survey – Trainers
- National training survey – Deaneries and NHS England local teams
National training survey case studies
- The development of facilities questions in the national training survey
- How the national training survey helped to increase support for trainees during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
- How the national training survey improved clinical oncology trainees’ satisfaction at Belfast City Hospital
- How the national training survey improved support and training at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital
- How the national training survey improved cultures and training experiences at Milton Keynes University Hospital
- How Health Education North East England uses the national training survey to support trainers
- How the national training survey supported the Welldoctor project and improved wellbeing at Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon
- How the national training survey helped to improve foundation psychiatry trainees’ experience at Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust
- How Oxford University Hospitals cardiology department use the national training survey results to support continuous improvement
- How the national training survey helped to improve cultures at Glangwili Hospital
- How the obstetrics and gynaecology department at the Royal Bolton Hospital used the national training results to improve training
- How the national training survey improved training at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
- Enhanced monitoring
- New medical schools reports
- PA and AA proactive quality assurance documents
- New PA and AA courses reports
- Awarding bodies and new schools
National training surveys
- Becoming a doctor in the UK
- Medical Licensing Assessment
- Students
Education standards, guidance and curricula
Information for doctors under investigation
- How we investigate concerns about doctors
- Support for doctors
- How we make decisions about a doctor's fitness to practise
- Performance assessments
- Our sanctions for doctors
- Fitness to practise of doctors explained
- Information for physician associates or anaesthesia associates under investigation
- Registrants under investigation
Supporting you with your concern
- Can we help with your concern?
- What to expect when you raise a concern with us
- How to raise a concern with us
- What happens when you contact us with a concern?
- What happens if we investigate your concern
- Local help services
- Hearings and decisions landing
- Raise a concern
- How we can support you
Information for doctors under investigation
About us
- Who we are
What we do and why
- Regulating physician associates and anaesthesia associates
Data and research
- The state of medical education and practice in the UK
- Statistics and reports
- GMC Data Explorer
- National training surveys reports
- A guide to our research
Research and insight archive
- Understanding doctors’ experiences of using artificial intelligence (AI) in the UK
- Exploring public views on the implementation of regulatory reform
- Parliamentarians and legislators’ perceptions survey 2024
- Barometer: Deep dive into workplace autonomy
- The state of medical education and practice in the UK Barometer survey 2023
- Teamworking: Understanding barriers and enablers to supportive teams in UK health systems
- Identifying groups of migrating doctors
- Evaluating the wider impacts of changes to UK medical education in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Our data supporting the Medical Workforce Race Equality Standard in England 2023
- Spotlight on SAS doctors and LE doctors: analysis of Barometer survey 2022 results
- Exploring patient and public views to inform the Good medical practice review
- Barometer survey: Trainer Interviews
- The state of medical education and practice in the UK Barometer survey 2022
- The Post-Foundation Training Break (‘F3’): evaluating its impact on postgraduate medical training
- Corporate Strategy and Perceptions Tracking Survey 2022
- Our data supporting the Medical Workforce Race Equality Standard in England 2022
- Understanding doctors’ decisions to migrate from the UK
- Understanding the experiences of and attitudes towards Medical Appraisal 2020
- Changes to doctors’ working practices emerging from the pandemic
- Developing a taxonomy of UK Medical Practice
- Preparedness of recent graduates to meet anticipated healthcare needs
- Parliamentarians and legislators' perceptions survey 2022
- Understanding the experiences of Locum Agency Locums
- The state of medical education and practice barometer survey 2021
- Drivers of international migration of doctors to and from the United Kingdom
- Our data about doctors with a European primary medical qualification in 2021
- How lifelong learning for doctors is valued, managed and supported in the UK
- Understanding how external users perceive access and apply GMC professional standards
- Completing the picture report
- Audit of the fairness of decisions in our fitness to practise procedures
- Our data supporting the Medical Workforce Race Equality Standard in England
- Understanding the role of resident medical officers in the independent healthcare sector
- The impact of service change on doctors' training
- 2020 Medical Graduates: The work and wellbeing of interim Foundation Year 1 (FiY1) doctors' during COVID-19
- Good conversations, fairer feedback
- Parliamentarians and legislators' perceptions survey 2021
- Encouraging engagement from practitioners during a fitness to practise investigation
- Regulatory approaches to standards
- Corporate Strategy and Perceptions Tracking 2020
- The state of medical education and practice barometer survey 2020
- Our data about doctors with a European primary medical qualification in 2020
- Understanding patients’ experiences of referrals
- Everyday leadership
- Understanding the nature and scale of the issues associated with doctors’ induction
- What supported your success in training?
- Evaluating the trainer recognition framework
- Evaluating the impact of the Duties of a doctor programme
- Understanding communication failures involving doctors
- Our data about doctors with a European primary medical qualification in 2019
- Fairness of decisions to refer doctors to the MPTS interim orders tribunal
- What it means to be a doctor
- How doctors in senior leadership roles establish and maintain a positive patient-centred culture
- Why do many public concerns that would be better directed to another organisation come to the GMC?
- Evaluation of Welcome to UK practice
- Fair to refer?
- Corporate strategy and stakeholder perceptions baseline survey
- Patient and public attitudes towards consent and decision making
- The relationship between primary medical qualification and nationality, 2017 and 2018
- Evaluating the impact of differential attainment interventions
- Medical training quality assurance review
- Our data about doctors with a European primary medical qualification in 2018
- Best Practice in the Assessment of Competence: A Literature Review
- NHS GPs in England and Scotland face growing workplace pressures
- Evaluating the regulatory impact of medical revalidation
- Number of doctors choosing to undertake locum work rises
- Regulatory approaches to telemedicine
- Identifying unmet needs from the Gateways to the Professions guidance
- The relationship between primary medical qualification and nationality 2016 and 2017
- Our data about doctors with a European primary medical qualification
- Preventable patient harm across healthcare services
- Doctors' attitudes to consent and shared decision making
- How organisations ensure fair decision making
- The future operating environment for professional medical regulation
- Fair training pathways for all: understanding experiences of progression part 2
- The relationship between primary medical qualification region and nationality at registration
- Understanding employers' referrals of doctors to the General Medical Council
- Our data about doctors with a European primary medical qualification
- Understanding experiences of progression
- Exploring patient and public attitudes towards medical confidentiality
- Shaping the future of medical revalidation interim report
- Understanding differential attainment across medical training pathways: A rapid review of the literature
- Analysis of doctors erased or suspended
- Relationship between general practice selection scores and MRCGP examination performance
- The effects of having restrictions on practice or warnings
- Foundation doctors, transitions and emotions
- The suitability of English language tests for giving evidence of doctors English proficiency
- Identifying the work activities performed by doctors in the Foundation Programme
- Public and professional views to confidentiality of healthcare data
- A review on the impact of licensing examinations for doctors in countries comparable to the UK
- A review of the List of Registered Medical Practitioners
- Review of decision making in our fitness to practise procedures
- Skills fade literature review
- Evaluation of our learning disabilities website
- The experience of public and patient complainants through our fitness to practise procedures
- The experience of doctors who have been through our complaints procedures
- Assessing the equivalence of PLAB graduates to UK graduates
- Developing an evidence base for the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board test
- The validity of the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board exam
- Understanding the rise in fitness to practise complaints from members of the public
- Fairness and the GMC: doctors views
- Evaluating the strategic impact of medical revalidation: Building an evaluation framework
- Identifying the appropriate IELTS score levels for international medical graduate applicants
- Factors that impact on medical student wellbeing
- Good practice among medical schools with students with mental health concerns
- Patient and public attitudes to standards expected of doctors
- The impact of continuing professional development on doctors performance and patient outcomes
- Follow up qualitative research to the 2010 guidance survey
- The impact of the Working Time Regulations on medical education and training
- Identifying best practice in the selection of medical students
- Barriers and enablers of good practice
- Developing an evidence base for effective quality assurance of education and training
- Investigating the prevalence and causes of prescribing errors in general practice
- GMC multi-source feedback study
- Research into perceptions of CESR and CEGPR routes to registration
- Research into fitness to practise referrals from persons acting in a public capacity
- The impact of the implementation of the European Working Time Directive
- Specialities sub-specialities and progression through training
- CPD - the international perspective
- Risk factors at medical school for subsequent professional misconduct
- Causes of prescribing errors by foundation trainees in relation to their medical education
- International comparison of ten medical regulatory systems
- The experience of working within a different professional framework
Learning and support
Workshops for doctors, PAs and AAs
- A day in the life of a GP
- Duties of a doctor workshops
- GMC guidance workshops
Welcome to UK practice
- Welcome to UK practice: information for doctors
- Welcome to UK practice: information for trainers or supervisors
Welcome to UK Practice: case studies
- Discussing risk with patients - case study
- Communicating with a patient with minimal English - case study
- A 15 year old's capacity to consent - case study
- Possible abused patient - case study
- Disclosing information to the police and others - case study
- Clinical audit - case study
- Disclosing patient information - case study
- Serious communicable disease - case study
- Patient with complex needs - case study
- Patient choice and the wider healthcare team - case study
- Human rights guidance and other legislation - case study
- Responding to risks to patient safety - case study
- Taking up a new post - case study
- Treating colleagues fairly and reporting - case study
- Raising concerns in a GP surgery - case study
- System pressures and competence - case study
- Best interest decisions - case study
- Working with others - case study
- Engaging with students
- E-learning resources
Workshops for doctors, PAs and AAs
- Our mandate
- Setting and maintaining the professional standards
- Overseeing doctors’, AAs' and PAs' education and training
- Managing lists of registered professionals
- Investigating and acting on concerns
- Helping to raise standards through revalidation
- Charter for patients, relatives and carers
How we work
- Regulatory reform
- Corporate social responsibility - CSR
- Working together to address inequalities
- Corporate strategy, plans and impact
- Who we work with
- Governance
- Our values
- Equality diversity and inclusion
- Our equality, diversity and inclusion programme
- Outreach
- Easy read publications
- Get involved
- Fraudulent activity
- Modern slavery and human trafficking statement
- Safeguarding statement
- Accessing information
- Contact us
- Disclaimer
- Media centre
News archive
- Doctors using AI share thoughts on its growing use in medicine
- Progressing our work as a multiprofessional regulator
- Statement on the outcome of Dr Sarah Benn's appeal
- GMC welcomes four new Council members
- PSA concludes GMC continues to meet all Standards of Good Regulation
- Carrie MacEwen message to the profession - December 2024
- Winter pressures – letter to the profession
- GMC appoints Professor Pushpinder Mangat to post of Medical Director and Director of Education and Standards
- Regulation of physician associates and anaesthesia associates begins
- GMC invites first physician associates and anaesthesia associates to join the professional register
- GMC regulation of physician associates and anaesthesia associates to begin
- GMC publishes physician associate and anaesthesia associate consultation report
- Preparing for the regulation of PAs and AAs: how feedback has shaped our approach
- Joint statement in response to Recommendation One of the Independent Neurology Inquiry
- UK risks ‘sleepwalking’ into a waste of doctors’ skills, GMC Chief Executive warns
- Carrie MacEwen GMC Symposium remarks - November 2024
- GP turned prison doctor and author to deliver first Dame Clare Marx memorial lecture
- West London medical student wins national competition
- Expected physician associate and anaesthesia associate fee announced
- Preparing for the regulation of PAs and AAs: working together to strengthen patient safety
- Statement welcoming UK Government announcement of review into physician associate and anaesthesia associate roles
- GMC takes action to protect trainees and ensure patient safety at Norfolk hospital department
- Preparing for the regulation of PAs and AAs: the importance of effective clinical governance
- Regulation and the changing workforce: what demographic trends mean for the future of general practice
- Regulation of PAs will benefit patients and support general practice, GMC Chair tells Liverpool audience
- Preparing for the regulation of PAs and AAs - an update for employers
- Discrimination and disadvantage in medicine ‘persistent and pernicious’, says GMC Chief Executive
- Preparing for the regulation of PAs and AAs: key updates ahead of December
- 2024 healthcare regulators whistleblowing report published
- New GMC resources to support victims of sexual misconduct by doctors
- GMC statement on appealing the outcome of Mr James Gilbert’s medical practitioners tribunal
- Making doctors aware of government regulations: restrictions on the use of puberty suppressing hormones
- Professor Colin Melville to step down as GMC education and standards director
- Carrie MacEwen GMC news for doctors August 2024
- Struggling doctors are cutting hours to safeguard their wellbeing, GMC warns
- GMC statement on UK riots and civil disorder
- Doctors taking part in protests or other forms of activism
- Prioritise trainers if plan to increase doctors is to succeed, says GMC
- Statement in response to the British Medical Association’s threat of legal action
- Recruitment for two new GMC Council members underway
- An update: preparing for regulation of physician associates and anaesthesia associates
- Striving for sustainability
- Conflict in the Middle East: how we are responding to queries and concerns
- A message from GMC Chair about raising and acting on concerns
- Statement in response to the announcement that Andrea Sutcliffe is stepping down as Chief Executive of the NMC due to ill health
- Women in leadership breaking glass ceilings in ophthalmology
- Statement following publication of the Infected Blood Inquiry report
- Statement on the outcome of Dr Sarah Benn’s hearing
- Championing the case for compassionate leadership
- Listen to our Good medical practice 2024 podcast series with the Medical Protection Society
- Power imbalances and hierarchy prevent doctors from working effectively in teams GMC research shows
- Thousands of doctors could be considering leaving UK practice – new GMC research reveals what might make them stay
- GMC decision makers given more flexibility in cases where there is a low risk to public protection
- Joint statement on Martha's Rule from the GMC, NMC, and CQC
- Cultures of compassion: modern regulation for modern medicine
- GMC launches consultation on how it regulates physician associates and anaesthesia associates
- Doctors urged to share their experience of workplace learning
- GMC reference numbers for PAs and AAs
- GMC apologises to doctors for historic sanctions based on convictions under homophobic laws
- Statement on Judicial Review of our handling of complaints about Dr Aseem Malhotra
- Research recommends priorities for training in the event of future COVID-style disruption
- Flexibility, recognition, induction and inclusion – all key to better support for locally employed doctors
- A lever for change new standards for doctors in the UK come into effect
- Joint statement on meeting regulatory standards during periods of global or national shortage of medicines – an update
- Winter pressures - letter to the profession
- GMC welcomes upcoming laying of AA and PA Order
- High Standards of Good Regulation continue to be maintained by the GMC, concludes PSA review
- GMC’s commitment to Welsh language speakers
- Edinburgh medical students win national competition on making right choices as a doctor
- Doctors under strain need more support if they are to perform well
- Making our data more accessible for users
- GMC says doctors choosing greater career flexibility can benefit UKs health services
- GMC progresses commitment to assure fairness in its processes
- SAS and LE doctors need targeted and specific support, GMC report shows
- Statement on ongoing industrial action
- Healthcare regulators' annual whistleblowing report published
- Sexual harassment in healthcare must stop – new GMC standards for doctors make clear
- Joint statement on meeting regulatory standards during periods of global or national shortage of medicines
- Workplace discrimination affects 'worrying' number of trainee doctors, GMC survey reveals
- Important notice - fraudulent calls
- GMC response to the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan
- 'Vicious cycle' must be broken to tackle NHS workforce crisis, GMC warns
- Every doctor is a leader: six traits of effective everyday leadership
- Outcome of the Employment Appeal Tribunal in the case of Mr Omer Karim
- Training breaks viewed positively by educators as well as doctors, new research shows
- Healthcare leaders must embrace equality, diversity and inclusion
- GMC welcomes plans to reform restrictive legislation
- GMC welcomes two new Council members
- GMC gives full approval to two new medical schools
- Good culture, good care: why more female leaders means better outcomes for doctors and patients alike
- A message to the profession from GMC Chair Professor Dame Carrie MacEwen
- GMC changes prompt fall in medical student fitness to practise declarations
- Expecting GPs to plug workforce gaps risks 'killing primary care model', warns GMC Chief Executive
- The role of the regulator in building a sustainable workforce
- GMC training survey shines fresh spotlight on discrimination
- Unlocking the potential of the SAS workforce
- New thinking needed to tackle NHS workforce crisis, says GMC Chief
- Enhanced ED&I data on the progression of UK doctors in training
- GMC welcomes important step towards bringing anaesthesia associates and physician associates into regulation
- A message to the profession from GMC Chair Professor Dame Carrie MacEwen
- GMC to roll out personalised contact when starting investigations
- A message to the profession by GMC Chair Professor Dame Carrie MacEwen
- PSA review concludes the GMC continues to maintain high Standards of Good Regulation
- Leicester medical students win national competition on social media safety
- Watch our PA and AA student webinar
- Tributes paid to Dame Clare Marx, former Chair of the General Medical Council
- Action needed to stop senseless waste of NHS talent - GMC chief warns
- Migration and the medical workforce
- New hub on challenging racism and discrimination in healthcare
- Recruitment for new GMC Council members underway
- Winter pressures - letter to the profession
- Co-chairs of Dr Arora case review publish findings
- Remove barriers to help tackle NHS crisis, GMC urges
- Next step on road to regulation as new education standards for future PAs and AAs published
- Annual report on whistleblowing from healthcare regulators published
- Our condolences to the Royal Family on the death of Queen Elizabeth II
- Wellbeing resources for doctors
- Welcome to the profession - a message for new graduates from Professor Dame Carrie MacEwen
- An update on the UK government’s timetable for regulation of PAs and AAs
- NHS backlogs threaten doctors as well as patients, GMC warns
- Co-chairs announced for Dr Arora case review
- GMC responds to findings of Independent Neurology Inquiry
- GMC Chief Executive welcomes BMA report
- Making it better for trainees
- Update: statement on tribunal of Dr Manjula Arora
- New Chair for the General Medical Council
- People places and culture –meeting the healthcare challenges ahead
- Culture and care in a system under pressure
- Clinical fellows scheme to be renamed in honour of Clare Marx
- What’s next for the NHS? Support, compassion and a sustainable workforce
- Response to the Ockenden review into maternity failings
- PLAB 1 update
- PA and AA education: what have we been doing?
- High standards maintained in all areas of PSA’s Standards of Good Regulation review
- GMC urges doctors to share their experience of workplace learning
- A statement from the GMC on the situation in Ukraine
- GMC publishes update on tackling inequality
- GMC publishes report on deaths during investigations
- A message from our Acting Chair Professor Dame Carrie MacEwen
- No place for sexual misconduct in UK healthcare
- Joint statement from the GMC and Academy of Medical Royal Colleges on doctors’ vaccination
- Supporting doctors during the pandemic
- Coronavirus information for trainees
- Our response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
- GMC acting chair Professor Dame Carrie MacEwen shares The state of medical education and practice in the UK 2021 findings
- Fresh approach vital to maintain healthcare workforce after Covid, says regulator
- Joint statement from chief executives of statutory regulators of health and social care professionals
- Tackling teamwork problems earns medical students top prize
- Dates are changing but our commitment to PAs and AAs remains
- Recruitment begins for new GMC Chair
- A message from our acting Chair, Professor Dame Carrie MacEwen
- The role of the regulator in ending inequality in medicine
- GMC publishes future professional standards for PAs and AAs
- Wellbeing conversation is vital in the wake of Covid, acting GMC Chair warns
- ‘What is the role of the regulator in wellbeing?’
- GMC survey reveals reasons doctors quit UK working and what stops them returning
- Health Secretary formally opens GMC assessment centre
- Annual report on whistleblowing from healthcare regulators published
- GMC responds to the Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review
- GMC announces advisory forum ahead of key guidance overhaul
- GMC pays tribute to Council Member Lara Fielden
- Spotlight on professional standards
- Doctors’ burnout worsens as GMC report reveals pandemic impact
- Remembering Professor Peter Kopelman
- UK government responds to the IMMDS Review - GMC statement
- A message from Dame Clare Marx – Stepping down as Chair of the GMC
- Dame Clare Marx to step down from General Medical Council
- COVID response helped graduates prepare for careers in medicine, report finds
- Statement on race discrimination Employment Tribunal ruling
- GMC publishes response to the Department of Health and Social Care’s consultation on regulatory reform
- MLA update: approval for a university-led applied knowledge test
- Working together: what lessons from maternity care can teach us about doing things differently
- New Covid-secure assessment centre opens in Manchester for overseas doctors
- Widening access to clinical research
- New guide for LGBT patients on what to expect from their doctor
- A message from Dame Clare Marx – New targets to tackle inequality and discrimination
- GMC targets elimination of disproportionate complaints and training inequalities
- Spotlight on... education
- Reform needed to tackle ‘shameful’ disadvantage, says GMC Chief Executive
- Charlie Massey Westminster Health Forum speech - Regulatory reform
- Training during the pandemic – GMC urges doctors to make their voices count
- GMC urges patients to stay safe when going online for treatment
- Coronavirus information for medical students
- GMC welcomes Department of Health and Social Care public consultation
- High standards upheld during pandemic year
- Clinical leadership skills crucial as health services emerge from Covid GMC Chair
- Dame Clare Marx ASiT speech – ‘Emerging from Covid: why leadership matters’
- Updated guidance to help doctors keep pace with increase in remote prescribing
- Joint Statement: Supporting final year medical students in 2021
- Cardiff students win UK prize for second year running
- Joint statement from chief executives of statutory regulators of health and social care professionals
- Making decisions around care - a message from Dame Clare Marx
- Update: Supporting doctors throughout the COVID-19 pandemic
- Coronavirus information for patients
- GMC sets out annual registration fees
- Developing professional standards for PAs and AAs
- GMC pays tribute to long serving council member
- GMC welcomes five new female council members
- Statement about GMC participation in UK-REACH study into COVID-19 and BME healthcare workers
- European doctor numbers grow steadily amid Brexit transition
- We can help unlock workforce potential says GMC chief
- Charlie Massey GMC Conference keynote speech 2 December 2020
- Medical training evolution required to meet patient needs
- Dame Clare Marx GMC Conference keynote speech 30 November 2020
- Changes to support trainees continue into 2021
- Pandemic should be a catalyst for change in UK healthcare, says GMC Chair
- Dame Clare Marx: Leaders in Healthcare speech
- Quality not quantity is key to supporting information GMC tells doctors
- Joint statement: Supporting doctors throughout the second COVID-19 wave
- GMC to create temporary test centre to assess thousands of doctors
- PLAB tests continue with safety rules during lockdown
- GMC reschedules further revalidation dates
- COVID disruption hits training for eight in ten doctors GMC surveys shows
- Shared decision making is key to good patient care - GMC guidance
- COVID-19 specific guidance published for doctor complaints
- Shaun Gallagher appointed as new Director of Strategy and Policy
- GMC welcomes decision to lift cap on medical school places
- GMC clarifies no role in medical education places
- A welcome to new doctors from Prof Colin Melville
- GMC and MSC welcome agreement on Medical Licensing Assessment delivery model
- Doctors urged to have their say on workplace training during coronavirus
- Doctors' workshops go online as the GMC responds to pandemic restrictions
- GMC response to the Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review
- General Medical Council sets out plans for restart of medical tests and fitness to practise work
- GMC launches Council member recruitment
- GMC statement on ethnically diverse medical school teaching materials
- Dame Clare Marx’s message to the profession
- COVID 19 – GMC confirms revalidation date changes
- Joint statement on death certification during the COVID-19 pandemic
- GMC Chair pays tribute to doctors who have died fighting COVID-19
- Changes to the abortion law in Northern Ireland - information for doctors
- Statement on advance care planning during the COVID-19 pandemic, including do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR)
- Joint statement: Community-based prescribing for COVID-19 symptoms
- Welcome to the profession – a message to final year medical students from Dame Clare Marx
- GMC asked to register further groups of doctors
- COVID-19 – GMC grants temporary registration to 11,800 doctors
- Joint statement: early provisional registration for final year medical students
- Doctors will stop at nothing to provide care in this crisis – our job is to support them
- Exams for doctors in training – Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, COPMeD and GMC statement
- Coronavirus – GMC writes to doctors who may be asked to help
- Supporting the COVID-19 response: Plans for management of medical training rotations
- PSA report highlights good regulation in 2018/19
- Overseas doctors sit UK exam in Belfast for first time
- Joint statement: Supporting doctors in the event of a COVID-19 epidemic in the UK
- Supporting the COVID-19 response: Guidance regarding medical education and training
- How we will continue to regulate in light of novel coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Regulation overhaul urgently needed, says GMC Chief Executive
- Charlie Massey at Westminster Health Forum
- NHS 2019 Staff Survey
- GMC responds to DHSC flexible medical education announcement
- Two new Council members appointed by GMC
- GMC responds to Paterson Inquiry findings
- Registration status of European doctors won't change after Brexit
- New-look online register improves accessibility
- Updating patients on neurology concerns in Northern Ireland
- Unfair treatment affecting many SAS and LE doctors, GMC survey
- Doctors’ career choices a ‘new reality’ which health services cannot ignore
- Doctors’ registration fees to rise by maximum of £7
- Doctors' engagement in MPTS hearing process most closely linked to decisions, study shows
- GMC responds to concerns in maternity services at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust
- Our commitment to patients who raise a concern about a doctor
- Acting on wellbeing solutions could make UK health services a model for the world
- Principles for good practice issued to protect patients online
- Attracting supporting and retaining doctors a must to meet healthcare challenges
- GMC responds to BMA sexism report
- How our guidance applies to doctors taking part in protests
- Plans agreed to retain trainee doctors in Weston emergency department
- GMC supports calls to recognise GPs as specialists
- Healthcare leaders need support to ensure good patient care report says
- First overseas doctors set to use new Manchester test centre
- GMC to regulate two new associates roles
- Government responds to consultation on reforming regulation
- Doctors do not know where to turn for advice on their wellbeing, GMC survey shows
- Valuable prize up for grabs for medical students
- GMC meets PSA standards for good regulation
- Regulators unite to support reflective practitioners across healthcare
- GMC confirms 3,000 Commonwealth route doctors have genuine degrees
- GMC statement following the publication of the independent review of gross negligence manslaughter and culpable homicide in medical practice
- Virtual reality helps new recruits prepare for move to England
- GMC welcomes Interim People Plan for England
- North East hospitals praised in GMC report
- Disabled doctors to get increased support thanks to new GMC guidance
- GMC statement regarding Dame Denise Coia and the review of mental health and wellbeing in the medical profession
- Medical register reaches 300,000 for the first time
- First GMC survey of SAS doctors opens
- GMC asks doctors for views on getting effective feedback from patients
- Fewer full GMC investigations after pilot scheme success
- GMC clarifies expectations of newly qualified doctors
- GMC supports anti-bullying guide for health leaders
- Relevant European qualifications to be recognised post-Brexit
- Check insurance and indemnity cover, GMC tells doctors
- Doctors to receive training support to call out unprofessionalism
- The GMC asks doctors for diversity data to help ensure fair regulation
- GMC to ask SAS doctors about workplace experiences for the first time
- Measuring the impact of our corporate strategy
- Medical student wins UK competition with 'Trip Advisor' approach
- General Medical Council appoints medical education expert to new post
- Right to appeal
- Doctors’ registration fees to rise by maximum of £9
- UK-wide workforce planning needed to avert NHS staffing crisis, says GMC
- Workplace warning signs must be heeded to protect training, GMC says
- Update on the case of Zholia Alemi
- Remembering Sir Donald Irvine
- Zholia Alemi – information for patients
- Statement on Zholia Alemi
- Two new Council members appointed by GMC
- Team reflection key to a learning culture says GMC Chair
- Under-pressure doctors need time for patients, says GMC
- GMC publishes Wessex region review
- Clarity needed for European doctors post-Brexit, GMC warns
- GMC welcomes regulation of new roles
- Human Factors training to be rolled out for investigators
- GMC welcomes High Court clarity on Avastin use
- Consultation on support for disabled doctors closing
- New guidance to help you with reflection
- Enhanced monitoring update - August 2018
- Statement on Court of Appeal’s judgment on the Bawa-Garba case
- Health regulators launch new protocol to address emerging concerns
- New Chair of the General Medical Council
- GMC publishes its strategy on equality and fairness
- Burnt out doctors feel exhausted before they start a shift - GMC survey shows
- GMC launches Council member recruitment
- GMC says disabled doctors need support to fulfil their potential
- GMC response to the Gosport Independent Panel report
- GMC signs up to joint approach to addressing concerns raised by doctors
- Failure to protect doctors reflections a missed opportunity
- Marx medical manslaughter review invites written evidence
- Reviewing medical manslaughter laws
- The new data protection law is in effect
- GMC announces working group to lead medical manslaughter review
- Organisations to collaborate on new reflective practice guidance for doctors
- GMC response to recommendations made by the Inquiry into Hyponatraemia-related deaths
- GMC announces chairs of wellbeing review
- Fitness to practise improvements made
- GMC says government must address visa issue
- GMC updates guidance to help doctors with appraisals and revalidation
- GMC statement on the publication of evaluating the regulatory impact of medical revalidation by UMbRELLA
- Doctors discuss reflective practice with GMC
- GMC statement on the Alfie Evans case
- GMC commissions new research into fitness to practise referrals
- GMC recruiting for new Chair
- GMC gears up to support extra international doctors wanting to work in the UK
- Your new GMC website is here
- Our response to the case of Dr Bawa-Garba - March 2018
- We've told the Williams Review that Doctors’ reflections should be legally protected
- Doctors reflections should be protected
- Brexit impact must be central to workforce planning
- We’ve urged workforce planners to consider the impact of Brexit on new strategy for the NHS
- GMC announces terms of reference for gross negligence manslaughter review
- Dame Clare Marx to lead medical manslaughter review
- Enhanced monitoring update - February 2018
- GMC event ensures doctors wellbeing is high on the agenda
- GMC to accept new English language qualification for non-UK doctors
- Sponsor to support workshop for doctors new to the UK
- GMC to look at the wider issues around manslaughter
- High Court judgment handed down
- Outdated and inflexible legislation stops us supporting doctors and protecting patients
- Outdated cumbersome and inflexible legislation prevents us from supporting doctors, says GMC Chief Executive
- GMC responds to new NICE guidance
- Data-sharing agreement could threaten patient confidentiality
- Guidance to doctors working under system pressure
- Professor Terence Stephenson awarded a Knighthood
- Medical profession at ‘crunch point’, GMC report finds
- GMC begins work to deliver Medical Licensing Assessment
- GMC to slash registration fees for doctors
- Registration fees for doctors cut
- Regulation of medical associates will bolster workforce
- Regulation of medical associates will bolster workforce, says GMC
- Dr Bawa-Garba hearing - GMC statement
- Medical training too reliant on doctors' goodwill, says GMC
- Planning for the future workforce
- GMC statement on less than full time training
- Doctors training experience in Northern Ireland is positive, says GMC
- GMC seeks views on skills needed by newly-qualified doctors
- Joining other regulators to give advice on conflicts of interest
- Comment on the decision to strike off Dr Ian Paterson
- New action plan to improve revalidation published
- Heavy workloads still an issue for many doctors in training
- GMC statement on removal of trainee doctors from Canterbury Urgent Care Centre
- Former Chief Executive Niall Dickson awarded CBE
- Warning not to take risks to get ‘beach body ready’
- Ian Paterson sentencing
- First High Court judgment handed down
- GMC unveils new standards to boost flexibility of doctors training
- New standards to boost flexibility of doctors’ training
- GMC extends contract for Doctor Support Service
- Revised confidentiality ethical guidance comes into effect
- Locum tax issue
- New blueprint for better medical training revealed
- Reporting concerns to the DVLA
- Response to concerns about our guidance for doctors on attempting CPR and DNACPR orders
- Enhanced monitoring at Kent and Canterbury Hospital
- Doctors in training must share their experiences of rota gaps
- GMC encourages doctors in training to use exception reports
- Oral evidence to Health Committee Brexit inquiry
- Working with AoMRC on ways to develop the medical register
- GMC consults on plans for Medical Licensing Assessment
- New confidentiality guidance for doctors
- GP Specialist Register proposals
- Responding to the case of Dr Bawa-Garba
- GMC praises Scottish medical schools for reaching out to disadvantaged students
- Actions we’re taking to tackle the risks of bias
- Privacy and cookies notice
- Responsible officer hub
- Tudalen hafan Gymraeg