Statement about GMC participation in UK-REACH study into COVID-19 and BME healthcare workers

Speaking at the launch of a study investigating the risks of COVID-19 to the health of ethnic minority healthcare workers, Charlie Massey, GMC Chief Executive, said:

‘Evidence suggests black and minority ethnic (BME) healthcare workers are more at risk from COVID-19. Understanding any connection between coronavirus and ethnicity is vital, and so we are pleased to play a role in this important research.

‘This study is a unique partnership between leading researchers, healthcare regulators, BME healthcare worker associations and other national organisations. The findings will not only increase our understanding of physical and mental health outcomes but will also inform the development of strategies to reduce risk and improve those outcomes.

‘Participation in the study is of course voluntary, but I would encourage as many doctors as possible to take part the UK-REACH study.’

You can find out more about the study on the UK-REACH website.