
This ethical hub topic shows ways in which our professional standards can be applied in this area of care and signposts to relevant resources. It does not set new professional standards and is not intended to replace the formal guidance. This ethical hub topic does not apply to children and young people in this area of care.  Page last reviewed: 13 December 2024.

Trans healthcare

Every patient has the right to high-quality and inclusive healthcare. 

This page gives advice on how you can apply the principles in our guidance when caring for transgender and gender diverse adults. We also signpost to external resources from a range of organisations to help you improve your knowledge, skills and find out more information.  We have used the term ‘transgender and gender diverse’ throughout this page. However, we recognise that gender identity and associated terminology is personal and subject to interpretation. 

This advice applies to doctors, physician associates and anaesthesia associates treating adults. It does not apply to the treatment of children and young people in this area of care.
