Evidence, data and intelligence

We gather data about the quality of medical education and training across the UK from doctors in postgraduate training, and their trainers. We use this data to help us understand where our standards may not be being met, or to identify potential areas of good practice.

We also respond to any other intelligence about the quality of medical education and training as well as physician associates and anaesthesia associates training that we receive from both partner organisations and other regulators.

Medical professionals in conversation in a healthcare setting

National training survey

We run the annual national training survey every year to gain a comprehensive picture of the experiences of doctors in training and trainers across the UK. The survey is a core part of our work to monitor and report on the quality of postgraduate medical education and training. 

Learn more about the survey

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Two female medical professionals standing and discussing work on a clipboard

Published self assessment questionnaires and annual quality assurance summaries

As part of our proactive quality assurance process we publish some of the self-assessment questionnaires and annual quality assurance summaries. These show us how the organisations we quality assure are meeting our standards.

Read our proactive quality reports

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Progression reports

We report annually on key stages of doctors training so that training organisations can identify trends, concerns and variations in the delivery of medical education.

Tackling disadvantage in medical education report (pdf)