Adult safeguarding
As doctors, physician associates or anaesthesia associates, you often see patients at times of distress and difficulty. It is likely that you may come into contact with someone who is at-risk or suffering from abuse or neglect.
This ethical hub topic shows how our professional standards can be applied in this area of care and signposts to relevant resources. It does not set new professional standards and is not intended to replace the formal guidance. Page last reviewed: 30 January 2024.
As doctors, physician associates or anaesthesia associates, you often see patients at times of distress and difficulty. It is likely that you may come into contact with someone who is at-risk or suffering from abuse or neglect.
Take prompt action if you think that patient safety, dignity or comfort is or may be seriously compromised.
Whether or not you have vulnerable adults as patients, consider their needs and welfare and offer them help if you think their rights have been abused or denied.
Treat patients as individuals and respect their dignity and privacy.
Support patients in caring for themselves to empower them to improve and maintain their health.
Treat information about patients as confidential.
Be satisfied that you are handling personal information lawfully.
Disclose the minimum information necessary for the purpose.
Give patients information about all the options available to them in a way they can understand.
Listen to patients, take account of their views, and respond honestly to their questions.
Keep up to date with, and follow, the law, our guidance and other regulations relevant to your work.
There are many forms of abuse that doctors, physician associates, anaesthesia associates and other health care professionals need to be aware of. These include:
If you are familiar with the types of abuse and the clinical indications of abuse it will help you to identify which patients are at risk of harm. Many forms of abuse are criminal offences.
You can find detailed guidance on the website of the Social Care Institute of Excellence.
Safeguarding law and practice differs across the UK. You must be familiar with the procedures where you work.
In England, certain persons or bodies must give information to a Safeguarding Adults Board, at its request, to enable or assist the board to perform its functions. The explanatory notes to the Care Act 2014 make clear that individual doctors and allied health professionals can be asked for information under this provision. You can find further information about Safeguarding Adults Boards in the Care and Support Statutory Guidance.
“…adults sometimes have complex interpersonal relationships and may be ambivalent, unclear or unrealistic about their personal circumstances.
…People have complex lives and being safe is only one of the things they want for themselves. Professionals should work with the adult to establish what being safe means to them and how that can be best achieved.”
Care Act 2014 Statutory Guidance
There are legal requirements in Wales for certain persons and bodies (including Health Boards and NHS Trusts) to provide information in response to requests from Safeguarding Boards and local authorities. Further information on Safeguarding Boards can be found in Social Services and Well being (Wales) Act 2014 Code of Practice: Working Together to Safeguard People Volume I Introduction and Overview.
Similar requirements exist in Scotland for public bodies (including Health Boards) to provide information to councils, where they know/believe an adult is at risk of harm action is required to protect them, and to Adult Protection Committees. Further guidance can be found in the Adult Support and Protection Code of Practice.
In Northern Ireland, arrangements exist for information to be shared in respect of vulnerable adults with the Northern Ireland Adult Safeguarding Partnership (NIASP). More information on NIASP is contained in 'Adult Safeguarding Prevention and Protection in Partnership'.
It will usually be appropriate tell patients about any disclosures you make, even if they are required by law.
All adult safeguarding processes and laws in the UK say that safeguarding procedures must be person-centred and must take account of the views and wishes of the adult concerned. Safeguarding is not something that is ‘done to’ a person and the steps you take will usually be agreed with your patient, in line with local safeguarding processes.
Challenging situations can however arise when confidentiality rights must be balanced against duties to protect and promote the health and welfare of patients who may be unable to protect themselves, and who refuse offers of help.
If you are faced with this situation, and there are no legal requirements to disclose information, ask yourself the following questions.
Start from the presumption that the adult has capacity to make the decision, and maximise their ability to do so:
If the adult doesn't have capacity to decide, it will usually be appropriate to tell a responsible person or authority (such as a local safeguarding lead, or the local authority) if you believe that the person is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect. You should follow local safeguarding processes.
It is important to respect the adult’s wishes and confidentiality. But if their circumstances could put someone else at risk of serious harm, it may be in the public interest to disclose information to the appropriate person or agency.
An important principle in the professional standards is that you must respect patients’ rights to self-determination as long as they have capacity to make decisions for themselves, and their decisions do not expose others to a risk of death or serious harm. We therefore emphasise the importance of seeking consent to disclose confidential information, and abiding by patients’ wishes.
But in very exceptional circumstances, you may be able to justify disclosing information without consent, where:
This is an uncertain area of law and, if you can, you should seek independent legal advice before making such a disclosure without consent.
Domain 2 - Patients, partnerships and communication
Paragraph 65 - Contributing to the continuity of care
Paragraphs 75 - 76 - Responding to safety risks
Paragraphs 9 – 12 – When you can disclose personal information
Paragraphs 50 – 59 – Disclosing information to protect patients
Paragraphs 8 - 49 - The dialogue leading to a decision
The BMA’s Adult Safeguarding Toolkit is about doctors’ responsibilities to safeguard adults who may be at risk of abuse or neglect.