National training survey – Trainers

As trainers, you have a unique view on the quality and effectiveness of medical training in the UK.

The national training survey gives you an opportunity to give confidential feedback on your experience of delivering medical education and training.

Questions cover:

  • your professional development
  • the support you receive as a trainer
  • the time you have for training
  • the training you receive to help trainees in difficulty or with additional support needs
  • your wellbeing.

The survey results will be used to review and improve training programmes and posts. Your answers also help us, your statutory education body or National Health Services England (NHSE) local team, royal colleges and your employer find ways to better support you and your trainees.

Why read this guide?
To find out how to complete the national training survey and how your answers help improve training.
Who should read this guide?
Named postgraduate clinical or educational supervisors.