Verifying specialist and general practice registration
This page is for doctors who have been asked for a verification of their UK specialist or GP registration. Please note, we no longer issue registration certificates and you can demonstrate your registration status by sharing a link to your entry on the online registers.
If you decide to work overseas, the relevant authority in that country may wish to verify your UK specialist medical qualification. We can verify your registration status as well as certificates issued by:
- Specialist Training Authority of the Medical Royal Colleges between January 1996 and September 2005 (for specialists)
- Joint Committee on Postgraduate Training for General Practice before September 2005 (for GPs)
- Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board between September 2005 and March 2010
- General Medical Council from April 2010
The overseas authority can contact us directly to request a verification of your registration. In their request, they must include:
- signed consent from you to confirm you are happy for us to release information about your qualification, or
- you can send us an email from your GMC registered email address to confirm your consent.
You can also contact us directly with a verification request. As well as the above information, you must also include details of where to send the verification.
All requests should be sent to We'll respond within five working days.
Please note – we don't verify certificates of proof of entry on the register. This is because the information in these certificates can change. If an overseas authority or potential employer needs to check your registration status, they should use the online registers.