The GMC protocol for making revalidation recommendations

Recommendations to revalidate

4.1 Making a recommendation to revalidate

A recommendation to revalidate is a formal declaration from you that a doctor remains up to date and fit to practise.

You must agree that the following criteria have been met:

To make a recommendation to revalidate a doctor in training, you must agree that the following two criteria have been met:

  • the doctor has participated in the assessments and curriculum requirements of their training programme, reflecting the values and principles set out in Good medical practice
  • the doctor has undertaken and discussed the assessments and curriculum requirements of their training programme, through the ARCP processes or equivalent.

For all doctors you must also agree the following criteria have been met:

  • you have considered relevant information from local clinical and corporate governance systems
  • the doctor is complying with any locally or GMC agreed conditions or undertakings
  • you do not require more time to consider the outputs of an ongoing or recently concluded local process
  • based on the information available to you, there are no ongoing or outstanding concerns about the doctor’s fitness to practise.