Guidance on supporting information for revalidation

This guidance sets out our requirements for the supporting information that licensed doctors, and registered anaesthesia associates (AAs) and physician associates (PAs), must collect and reflect on for revalidation.

For doctors in training, the Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP) process takes into account your requirements for revalidation. But you must collect supporting information for any medical practice outside your training posts (including locum roles).

What does the guidance cover?

  • The six types of supporting information you must collect and reflect on for revalidation.
  • How often you need to collect each type of supporting information.
  • How you can use or discuss the information during appraisal.

How to use this guidance?

Where we use the below terms in this guidance, the following definitions apply:

  • ‘You must’ is used for an overriding requirement.
  • ‘You should’ is used where the requirement will not apply in all situations or circumstances, or where there are factors outside your control that may affect whether or how you can follow the guidance. In these circumstances, you must be able to explain to your responsible officer, suitable person, AA/PA recommender, or appraiser why you can’t meet the requirement and agree the next steps.  This could include how to demonstrate your continued competence in a different way.