Engaging with students
Introducing medical students to the GMC
We regularly visit medical schools across the UK to engage with students and help them prepare for their future as doctors.
We deliver presentations and workshops that introduce students to our guidance and help bring it to life with learning resources. Our case studies give students a realistic view of the professional standards expected of them, and build their confidence to address ethical and professional challenges.
We also introduce students to the General Medical Council. And let them know what they should expect from their regulator throughout their career.
Our sessions are tailored to students’ level of knowledge and phase of study. They can be particularly useful to help prepare students for clinical placements or situational judgement tests.
What do the sessions cover?
Our sessions are delivered by experts on all areas of our guidance. And we'll work with you to deliver training that is interesting and relevant to your students.
Popular topics include:
- Doctors’ use of social media
- Raising and acting on concerns about patient safety
- Maintaining personal and professional boundaries
- Personal beliefs and medical practice.
How do I arrange a session?
If you’re interested in arranging a presentation or workshop in your medical school we’d love to hear from you.
Use our map to find your local adviser or email us at guidanceworkshops@gmc-uk.org.
We also offer a range of online learning resources which are free to access and complete in your own time.