GMC guidance workshops
Helping doctors provide the best possible care in challenging situations.
Each day presents unique challenges in the medical profession. Our workshops help doctors better understand how our guidance may be applied in different situations.
We work with healthcare trusts and boards to tailor content in a way that’s relevant and interesting for staff. Our interactive workshops can be anything from one hour sessions to half or full days and use a range of tools, case studies and doctors’ own reflections to create an innovative learning experience.
Sessions cover a range of complex topics including:
Treatment and care towards the end of life
How confident do you feel about dealing with emotionally difficult and complex issues associated with end of life care? This workshop explains our guidance and the support available to you when faced with difficult decisions.
Confidentiality: good practice in handling patient information
To disclose or not to disclose? What should you do to protect your patients’ information? Find out more about your responsibilities in this key area, as set out in the revised guidance issued in 2017.
Raising and acting on concerns about patient safety
What should you do if you feel patient safety is being compromised? Turning a blind eye isn’t an option. This workshop looks at the core duties, ways to escalate concerns and the support available to you.
Doctors’ use of social media
Can social media help a doctor in their work? Is the ability to engage with a wide range of colleagues and others worth the potential risk? We look at how doctors can maximise the benefits of social media and avoid the pitfalls.
Consent: patients and doctors making decisions together
Are patients always clear about what to expect from their treatment? This workshop offers an informative look at this key piece of our guidance, including issues such as assessing capacity, building a partnership with patients and maximising decision making.
Openness and honesty when things go wrong: the professional duty of candour
Should sorry be the hardest word? When do you need to apologise, and what does a good apology cover? Find out more about your responsibilities to create an open and transparent service for patients and their families.
Leadership and management for all doctors
Do you see yourself as a leader? What types of leadership motivates you and how can you use them in your current and future roles? This workshop will use our guidance to highlight the responsibilities all doctors have as leaders and will signpost to other useful resources to help you lead and manage.
Get in touch
To organise a workshop for your organisation or for more information, speak to your local adviser. Or contact us at
E-learning options
We also offer a range of online resources, including case studies and self-assessment tools, for doctors who are looking for a more flexible learning option.