Standards for the delivery of PA and AA pre-qualification education

This document sets out the standards that we expect organisations who deliver physician associate (PA) and anaesthesia associate (AA) education and training to meet. Both course providers and local education providers have a responsibility for ensuring these standards are met and the requirements are complied with.

We assess courses against these standards and approve them. For a course to be approved, the course provider must demonstrate how the standards and requirements set out in this document have been addressed. After approval, it will be included on our published list of approved courses. We undertake regular quality assurance activities to ensure that standards are being maintained. The Education and training rules for PAs and AAs explain our approval process.       

These standards sit alongside the PA and AA generic and shared learning outcomes and the Standards for PA and AA curricula.

Open Standards for the delivery of physician associate and anaesthesia associate pre-qualification education 

Standards for the delivery of PA and AA pre-qualification education

  • Theme 1: Learning environment and culture
  • Theme 2: Educational governance and leadership 
  • Theme 3: Supporting learners 
  • Theme 4: Supporting educators 
  • Theme 5: Developing and implementing curricula and assessments 
Who is this document for?
This document is for anyone involved in the management or delivery of PA and AA education. 
Why do you need this document?
This document sets out the requirements for PA and AA education that course providers in the UK must meet.