Our commitment to patients who raise a concern about a doctor
Today we’ve published our Charter for patients, relatives and carers. It sets out six commitments that patients, their relatives and carers can expect when they raise a concern about a doctor with us.
We understand that patients may be going through a difficult time when they come to us with a concern about a doctor. We want to make their experience of raising their concern as easy as possible and make sure they receive a high standard of customer service.
As well as showing patients what they can expect from us, the charter provides a way for us to evaluate and improve the service we provide. We are keen to learn about patients’ experiences of their interactions with us and use this information to make improvements to the service we offer.
The charter covers how patients, relatives and carers will be treated during their interactions with us, how we will communicate with them, and how we will learn from their experience of raising a concern with us. Read the full charter for patient, relatives and carers.