Practical guides and resources
- What are others doing?
- Data and research
- Practical guides and resources
Good conversations, fairer feedback
What is the impact of feedback experiences for doctors in training? What are the enablers and barriers to effective feedback?
This research attempts to identify strategies for improving feedback for medical professionals. It considers how feedback can be best utilised to positive effect as well as identifying challenges that may need to be addressed.
How to support successful training for black, and minority ethnic doctors: actions and case studies for medical royal colleges and faculties
This report supports medical royal colleges and faculties in tackling the factors which contribute to inequalities and discrimination in medical education and which lead to the ethnic attainment gap.
Practical guide to evaluating interventions
We commissioned Work Psychology Group – a research consultancy which develops insight driven, practical tools – to undertake research and develop resources to help those designing interventions to evaluate them. This guide will help you evaluate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at addressing differential attainment. It offers practical ideas on how to make your evaluation a success, including measures you can use and adapt.
Other resources
The TASO toolkit
The Centre for Transforming Access and Student Outcomes (TASO) was established in 2019 as part of the government’s “What Works” movement. TASO’s aim is to eliminate equality gaps in higher education within 20 years.
To better understand the effectiveness of interventions, they recommend that robust monitoring and evaluation should be built into interventions from the start.
Their toolkit summarises the existing evidence on approaches to widening participation and improving student success for disadvantaged and underrepresented groups. It will expand over time as more evidence becomes available.
Visit the TASO website to view the evaluation guidance and evidence toolkit.