Specialty specific guidance for Portfolio pathway applications in Anaesthetics

Portfolio pathway applications will be assessed against the high-level learning outcomes set out in the 2021 curriculum for a CCT in Anaesthetics. 

Specialty specific guidance

We’ve produced guidance documents with the Royal College of Anaesthetists to be used in conjunction with the curriculum document.

How to apply

You can apply through your GMC Online account.

2021 curriculum

Our standards for postgraduate medical curricula are Excellence by design and the framework for Generic professional capabilities. These help postgraduate medical training programmes focus trainee assessment away from an exhaustive list of individual competencies, towards fewer broad capabilities needed to practise safely from your first day as a consultant.

As a result, the 2021 Anaesthetics curricula are outcomes based. This means trainees will be assessed against the fundamental capabilities required of consultants in the working week. These include the general skills which all doctors need to have as well as those needed to carry out all the specific day to day tasks undertaken by a consultant anaesthetist (Curriculum Domains).