GMC response to the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan
Responding to the publication of the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan, Charlie Massey, Chief Executive of the General Medical Council, said:
‘We warmly welcome the publication of the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan. There is an urgent need to address the extreme pressures the health system is facing and to put it on a more stable footing.
‘We are pleased to see the expansion of medical school places laid out in the plan, and ready to play our role in enabling that to happen. Bringing more professionals into the system is vital for the long-term sustainability of the workforce. However, it is equally vital that we keep hold of the talent we already have, and that the needs and contribution of our existing doctors are not overlooked as the UK pipeline is developed – including the internationally qualified doctors who play such a vital role in patient care.
‘Increasing medical school places also cannot come without a corresponding growth in trainer capacity. This is vital both for medical students and newer professions, like physician associates and anaesthesia associates. Our own research tells us that trainers are already under pressure, being less likely to feel supported by senior medical staff and more likely to experience compromised patient safety than non-trainers.*
‘Long-term efforts to increase workforce numbers must be accompanied by an immediate focus on wellbeing and compassionate leadership. We look forward to working with NHS England and other partners to explore how these positive changes can be implemented for the benefit of doctors and the entire workforce.’
*Pg 8 - The state of medical education and practice in the UK Workplace experiences 2023