Information on booking a PLAB 1 place

Am I eligible to book a PLAB 1 exam?

You’ll need an acceptable overseas primary medical qualification. If you haven’t graduated yet, we will need confirmation you have passed your final examinations and have met all other requirements to be eligible for the qualification.

You’ll also need to demonstrate you have the necessary knowledge of English by providing your English language evidence to us:

  • If you've taken the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test or the Occupational English Test (OET), you can submit this to us in the 'My Tests' section in GMC Online. We will verify these with the relevant testing organisation and we aim to do this within two working days. Once verified, you'll be able to book a test.
  • You can also use the OET@Home service to demonstrate English language proficiency for both PLAB and registration.
  • Our Influences on pass rates in PLAB examinations 2022 report shows that candidates who have passed IELTS or OET have more chance of passing PLAB 1 at the first attempt than those who have not. We, therefore, recommend you strongly consider taking IELTS or OET, even if you feel you may be able to provide alternative English language evidence.

Once you have the above information you can set up a GMC Online account, which will give you access to our booking service to book or cancel a place. If you have a GMC reference number but have not logged in to GMC Online since August 2021, you will need to update your account.

There is also a limit on the number of times you can take the exam. Candidates can continue to take the exam until they have failed it four times. If you would like to take the exam again following your fourth failed attempt, you must apply for an additional attempt.

If you fail this fifth and final attempt, you’ll no longer be eligible to take the exam.

How do I book a PLAB 1 place?

You can view available dates and book in our PLAB booking service in GMC Online.

We carefully monitor demand and availability and will open new places in line with this. You can see when any new places are scheduled to open in the PLAB booking service. 

How much does it cost?

Please visit our Fees page for price listings. You can view these on the PLAB fees tab.

Can I swap my existing booking?

If you hold a booking already, you can view other dates currently available in our PLAB booking service in GMC Online

You’ll need to cancel your existing booking if you do wish to book an alternative place. Please read the guidance in the PLAB booking service carefully before doing so.

We will deduct a PLAB cancellation fee when you cancel your place.

Can I book a PLAB place through anyone else other than the GMC?

No. Candidates can only book a PLAB place through their GMC Online account, and only the account holder must access the account. 

Candidates must not share their information with any third party or attempt to book a place anywhere other than through GMC Online

Sharing your account details with any third party is misconduct and may impact your PLAB booking or any future registration application. Doing so can also put your personal, financial and other online account information at risk.

Are there any concessions for refugees?

If you are a refugee doctor living in the UK, the fee for PLAB 1 will be free of charge for your first two attempts. Please book the exam online and contact us to arrange a refund.

If you are having trouble booking a test date, please email the PLAB team for help.

Read our information for refugee doctors living in the UK.