Our governance framework and governance handbook

Our structure and handbook

The image below highlights our governance structure. You can find out more information about Council, Executive and the advisory forums we work with in this section.

The Governance Handbook sets out the role of the GMC and each component of the governance framework, and how meetings will be conducted. It includes our financial regulations and Schedules of Authority, setting out how the principal functions and powers of the GMC have been assigned.

A diagram of our governance structure. At the top is 'council governance', consisting of the council, the audit and risk committee, the renumeration committee, the investment committe, the MPTS committee and the GMC/MPTS liason group. Next is 'executive governance' consisting of the executive board and directorate work plans. Finally is 'formal engagement' consisting of advisory forums for Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Education; liason groups and task and finish groups.