Existing general practice certificate

This is for doctors who were awarded a certificate from the Joint Committee on Postgraduate Training for General Practice (JCPTGP) and require entry on to the General Practice Register.

Important information for doctors intending to work as a GP in the UK

To start work as a GP in the UK, you'll need to complete a number of processes. Some of these are handled by organisations other than the GMC.

You must read our General Practice in the UK page for information about applying to join a Performers List and Induction and Returner schemes.

These are extra requirements for you to work as a GP in the UK. 

Am I eligible to apply?

To apply you must hold:

  • GMC registration with a licence to practise
  • a certificate from the Joint Committee on Postgraduate Training for General Practice confirming the award certificate of prescribed experience (CPE) or certificate of equivalent experience (CEE).

What evidence do I need?

You'll need to provide one of the following certificates from the Joint Committee on Postgraduate Training for General Practice.

  • Certificate of prescribed experience (CPE)
  • Certificate of equivalent experience (CEE)

If you don't have the original certificate or letter, please email us equivalence@gmc-uk.org.

How do I apply?

To apply, email us verl@gmc-uk.org to confirm:

  • you meet the criteria for the existing general practice certificate and would like to apply

  • what evidence you’ll be providing to show that you meet the criteria (you don’t need to provide copies of your evidence in this email).

What happens after I apply?

We’ll review your email to confirm if you are eligible, we may need to ask you for further information. If you’re eligible we’ll send you an application form to complete. You’ll need to submit your evidence with your application form.