Zholia Alemi – information for patients
Our advice for patients and their families who have questions about Zholia Alemi:
Who do I speak to if I was treated by Zholia Alemi?
Please speak to the GP surgery, hospital or clinic where you were treated, within their working hours. They will be able to give you the best advice on your care. There are also a number of organisations who can support you with this – see our website pages for specific contact details for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.
If you need further information, our contact centre is open Monday – Friday: 8 am – 5.30 pm and Saturday: 9 am – 5 pm. You can speak to our team on 0161 923 6602.
Who do I speak to if I have concerns about my treatment?
We have information on our website to help you identify the right organisation to raise your concern with. Firstly, we would recommend contacting the GP surgery, hospital or clinic where you were treated. If you don’t feel comfortable approaching them or need some support, there is a number of organisations who can help you – see our website pages for specific contact details for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.
When did you find out about Zholia Alemi and what are you doing about it?
Zholia Alemi was suspended from the medical register on 23 June 2017. Since October 2018, she has been serving a five year prison sentence.
As soon as we became aware that she used a fraudulent qualification to join the register, we contacted the police and other organisations responsible for healthcare services in the UK. It’s vital that we all now take the necessary action to support patients and investigate these serious issues.
It is clear that in this case, the steps taken at the time she joined the register were inadequate and we apologise for any risk arising to patients as a result. We are confident that, 23 years on, our systems are robust and would identify any fraudulent attempt to join the medical register.
Easy read

If you are worried, go to the place where your doctor works to find out about how they can help you.

If you are not sure what to do, you can call the General Medical Council on 0161 923 6602.
What we do and why
To find out more about what we do to protect patient safety and improve medical education and practice across the UK, see our About us website pages.