Information on booking a PLAB 2 place

Am I eligible to book a PLAB 2 exam?

To book PLAB 2 you must have an acceptable overseas primary medical qualification and a valid PLAB 1 pass.

You are limited to four attempts to pass the exam. If you would like to take the exam again following your fourth failed attempt, you must apply for an additional attempt.

If you fail this fifth and final attempt, you’ll no longer be eligible to take the exam.

Changes to PLAB 1 validity

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we increased the amount of time a PLAB 1 pass is valid from two years to three years. This was due to the impact that travel restrictions and social distancing were having on candidates and our ability to offer places.

From 31 March 2025 this extension will end. This means:

  • after this date, all candidates must pass PLAB 2 within two years of passing PLAB 1
  • if you passed PLAB 1 before 31 March 2023, you will have to book PLAB 2 before your validity expires on 31 March 2025. You can book any available date based on your current validity, even if it’s due to take place after 31 March and all bookings will be honoured.

Please note that your pass date is the date you took the test, and not the date your results were issued.

How do I book a PLAB 2 place?

You can view available dates and book in our PLAB booking service in GMC Online.

How much does it cost?

Please visit our Fees page for price listings.

Can I swap my existing booking?

If you hold a booking already, you can view other dates currently available in our PLAB booking service in GMC Online

You’ll need to cancel your existing booking if you do wish to book an alternative place. Please read the guidance in the PLAB booking service carefully before doing so.

We will deduct a PLAB cancellation fee when you cancel your place.

Can I book a PLAB place through anyone else other than the GMC?

No. Candidates can only book a PLAB place through their GMC Online account, and only the account holder must access the account.

Candidates must not share their information with any third party or attempt to book a place anywhere other than through GMC Online.

Sharing your account details with any third party is misconduct and may impact your PLAB booking or any future registration application. Doing so can also put your personal, financial and other online account information at risk.

Are there any concessions for refugees?

If you are a refugee doctor living in the UK, the fee for part 2 will be reduced by 50% for your first two attempts. Please book the examination online and contact us to arrange a refund.

If you are having trouble booking a test date, please email for help.

Read our information for refugee doctors living in the UK.