Our confidentiality and complaints policies

We store your complaints electronically on our secure systems. We hold and process this information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

We produce regular internal reports to see how well we are dealing with complaints and meeting your needs. We remove all confidential information from these reports to protect the identity of those involved.

Our various teams may use your information. We may also share your personal data with other parties if required by law, where ordered by a court, or where it is otherwise in the public interest (eg for research purposes). Where possible, we remove any identifiable information before we share it with any other party.

Read our complaints policies

Download the full version of our: 

Customer complaints policy
Polisi cwynion cwynion (Welsh version)

We also have policies on: 

Vexatious complaints
Polisi cwynion blinderus (Welsh version)

Persistent complaints policy 
Polisi Cwynion Parhaus (Welsh version)