Specialty specific guidance for Portfolio Pathway in Ophthalmology

The 2024 Ophthalmology curriculum was published in August 2024.

For a transition period you can make your Portfolio Pathway application against either the new curriculum or the previous version of the curriculum.

This option is available until the transition deadline of 31 July 2026.

Specialty specific guidance

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists and GMC have produced guidance for the evidence expected for each version of the curriculum:

Ophthalmology 2024
Ophthalmology 2016

How to apply

You can apply through your GMC Online account.

When choosing your application specialty, please make sure you choose the curriculum version that you wish to be assessed against – 2016 or 2024, as the application structure is tailored to the above specialty specific guidance version.

2024 curriculum

The 2024 curriculum will assess overall capabilities in both clinical and generic professional skills and lists high-level, overarching Learning Outcomes which describe what an ophthalmologist does. Seven domains mapped to the GPCs framework are employed:

1. Patient Management
2. Health Promotion
3. Leadership and Teamwork
4. Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
5. Safeguarding and Holistic Care
6. Education and Training
7. Research and Scholarship

The Patient Management domain is divided into twelve clinical special interest areas (SIAs).

The seven domains are divided into four levels of competence ophthalmologists will be expected to achieve at different stages of training. Levels 1 and 2 are about basic skills, being able to assess any ophthalmology patient, form a differential diagnosis and formulate management plans for low complexity patients. These skills are common in all special interest areas (SIAs). Level 3 is about being able to perform at the level of a general ophthalmologist in each SIA. Level 4 is the equivalent of Fellowship training, and trainees/applicants will choose two areas.

Applicants will be required to evidence level 3 in all SIAs and level 4 in two SIAs.