Expectations at work
- Expectations at work
- Wellbeing and support
Our expectations of your working environment
When you join a new workplace, it’s your employer’s responsibility to provide a full induction, training and relevant equipment.
You should only perform the tasks that are within your competency and job description. If you’re asked to perform at the limits of your competence for your stage of training, you should be supervised by an appropriately qualified senior doctor.
You can find out more about what you can expect from your Foundation placements on the UK Foundation Programme Office’s website.
Working additional/overtime shifts during Foundation Year 1 (FY1)
During FY1 there may from time to time be opportunities to work additional/overtime shifts, for example to cover busier periods or colleague’s leave.
As a provisionally registered doctor you must not undertake formal locum posts or activities. You can undertake occasional, ad hoc additional/overtime shifts on your current FY1 placement, or on previous FY1 placements that have formed part of your F1 rotation. This is on the proviso that such work is undertaken only within the limits of your current competence and with the support of your educational supervisor.
When undertaking any occasional, ad hoc additional/overtime work you should be clear with other members of your team about your current experience and level of competence.