Dame Clare Marx stepped down as Chair of the review to take up the role as Chair of the GMC from January 2019. Leslie Hamilton was appointed as the new Chair of the review. Please see our press release for more information.
Marx medical manslaughter review invites written evidence
The working group looking into gross negligence manslaughter and culpable homicide in the medical profession has invited written submissions as the latest stage of its review.
A team selected and led by Dame Clare Marx, Chair of the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management, has been commissioned by the General Medical Council (GMC) to conduct an independent review into how cases of gross negligence manslaughter, and culpable homicide in Scotland, involving doctors are initiated and investigated.
"Given the breadth of issues covered by the review we are really keen to hear from as wide a range of organisations and individuals as possible, especially doctors in training."
Dame Clare Marx
Chair of the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management
They have now invited written submissions, via an online questionnaire open until 27 July, which will provide some of the evidence they will consider.
Dame Clare said: ‘Given the breadth of issues covered by the review we are really keen to hear from as wide a range of organisations and individuals as possible, especially doctors in training.
‘Anyone with experience, expertise or an interest in gross negligence manslaughter or culpable homicide, or in what happens following serious clinical incidents, may have insight which will help us shape our review and findings.
‘Our questionnaire covers all the main areas we are looking into, and so there are a lot of questions. People should answer as many or as few as they wish, but the more thoughts and ideas we receive the richer the evidence from which we will be able to prepare our report. We’re also keen for people to put forward views and suggestions on anything they think is relevant but that we’ve not specifically covered in our general questions.’
Later in the year, the working group will also hear oral evidence sessions and hold workshops, including specific events for trainees, patients and the public, across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Written evidence to the review can be made online. The deadline for submissions is Friday 27 July.
Dame Clare’s report will be published early next year.