Access advice, support or advocacy to help you raise your concern

Raising a concern or seeking advice and support can sometimes feel overwhelming. Thankfully there are organisations available that can help to support you through the process.

I want support when raising a concern 

Action against Medical Accidents

Action against Medical Accidents is a charity offering support if you or someone you know has been affected by avoidable harm in healthcare. They can help you achieve justice and look to promote better patient safety for all. They provide specialist, independent advice and support using their clinical, legal and policy expertise. If you visit their website, you can find online help and advice guides as well as details of their helpline.

The Independent Support Service

The Independent Support Service is available to patients, witnesses and family members who have raised a concern with the GMC. This is a free, independent and confidential support service provided by Victim Support.

I want an advocate to help raise my concern

An advocate is someone who will work closely with you to make sure you’re heard when making a complaint. They can also raise a concern on your behalf if you don’t feel comfortable. They usually work for an independent service and are professionally trained.

A vast number of organisations can help in different regions across the UK, so we only refer to some of these. Citizens Advice should be able to help further in identifying an alternative organisation that can help, or get in touch with one of our Contact Centre Advisors if you are looking for alternatives.

The Patient and Client Council

The Patient and Client Council provides confidential advice, information and help to raise a concern or find specialist advocacy services. The Council was set up as an independent voice on health and social care issues and represents the interests of the public by engaging with health and social care organisations.

Still not sure?

You can check if we’re the right people to handle your concern via our concerns tool.

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