Education data tool help

Academic questions

The academic questions report has a series of charts and tables showing the proportion of trainee responses to the academic questions in the national training survey by deanery/NHSE local office against the UK-wide benchmark.

The report includes NTS data from 2015 to 2018 and 2021 to 2024.

The academic questions are asked to doctors in training who are in one of the following two cohorts:

  1. In a non-academic training post and indicate within the NTS that they 'hold an academic trainee role' (GENHQ76) and have used their 'protected research time to undertake research in the last 12 months' (GENHQ77). These doctors do not get asked ACADQ23.
  2. In an academic trainee post. These doctors do not get the generic NTS questionnaire (which includes GENHQ76 and GENHQ77).
Question Master Code Question Text
GENHQ76 Which, if any, of the following academic trainee roles do you currently hold?
Please note - an academic traineeship occurs when a trainee is undertaking formal academic training alongside their clinical training or has taken time out of clinical training to undertake academic training.
GENHQ77 Have you used your protected research time to undertake research in the last 12 months?
ACADQ23 Please select your academic post type
ACADQ25 Is the academic component of your role funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
ACADQ04 Please select the institution your post is associated with
ACADQ26 Have you a clear idea of how your research time is going to be structured for the duration of your current post?
ACADQ27 If yes, on what basis is your research time structured?
ACADQ28 To what extent has your research time been protected since starting your current post (excluding on call commitments)?
ACADQ29 To what extent has your research time been protected within the last year (excluding on call commitments)?
ACADQ30 My research time is adversely affected by my on call commitments in my current post.
ACADQ31 Do you have access to structured training in research methods and governance?
ACADQ32 Please rate the structured training in research methods and governance you've received (if any).
ACADQ33 Have you had a formal review of your academic progress undertaken in your current post (e.g. at ARCP)?
ACADQ14 Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statement.
My academic Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) was useful.
ACADQ34 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The formal review of my academic progress was useful.
ACADQ15 How would you rate the quality of academic supervision you receive during your protected research time?
ACADQ35 Have you received career advice about progressing a clinical academic career?
ACADQ36 Have you had access to a mentoring scheme?
ACADQ37 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The clinical and academic aspects of my post are well integrated.
ACADQ38 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
I'm adequately supported by my clinical training programme director in my current post.
ACADQ39 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
I'm adequately supported by my specialty academic leads in my current post.
ACADQ40 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
My current post meets both my clinical and academic training requirements.