Leave feedback about your care
Leaving feedback about your experiences could help to improve things for other patients in the future. There are a number of organisations that can help you to pass on your feedback, so that it reaches the people who can help to make changes.
Care Opinion
Care Opinion is an independent organisation that helps patients and their families pass on both good and bad feedback to those responsible for their care.
Healthwatch is an independent consumer champion for health and social care. It helps to collate feedback about services, sharing both positive and negative findings with the people who can make change happen. There is a local Healthwatch in every area of England and you can find the contact details for your local service on its website.
National Association for Patient Participation
Patient participation groups help to create a meaningful dialogue between patients and GP surgeries, and are a good way for you to help influence care in your area. The National Association for Patient Participation has more information on how you can join or start a patient participation group.
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