What do you do after you get your results?

What do you do after you pass?

If you pass PLAB 1 you can immediately apply to take PLAB 2 using GMC Online.

The available PLAB 2 test dates can be seen in GMC Online once you have your PLAB 1 results.  

You can't apply for PLAB 2 before the results have been issued. 

You must pass PLAB 2 within three years of the date you passed PLAB 1. Please note that your pass date is the date you took the test, and not the date your results were issued.

What do you do if you fail?

If you fail PLAB 1, you can book to take the exam again provided you still meet all the requirements. You can continue to attempt the exam until you have failed it four times.

If you’ve failed the exam four times, you can apply for one final attempt. You will need to demonstrate evidence of additional learning over a 12 month period and make an application to us.

Can you have your results checked?

No, this is a service we no longer offer. After reviewing our processes, we’re confident that our marking is robust, and that a manual check won’t change the result.

However, you can still appeal your result.