MLA content map

The MLA content map sets out the core knowledge, skills and behaviours needed for UK practice as a doctor. All applied knowledge test (AKT) and clinical and professional skills assessment (CPSA) content must derive from the content map.

The content map is based on Outcomes for graduates (2018), the Generic professional capabilities framework (2017), the relevant parts of the Foundation Programme curriculum and the situations typically faced by doctors working in the UK Foundation Programme.

It has three overarching themes: readiness for safe practice, managing uncertainty, and delivering person-centred care; and six sections, called domains:

  • Areas of clinical practice, such as mental health and surgery.
  • Areas of professional knowledge, such as biomedical sciences and medical ethics and law.
  • Clinical and professional capabilities, such as assessing and managing risk and safeguarding vulnerable patients. 
  • Practical skills and procedures, as set out in the list of practical skills and procedures that supplements our Outcomes for graduates (2018).
  • Patient presentations, which relates to signs, symptoms, investigation results and other relevant patient-related issues typically seen by doctors in a first appointment within the UK Foundation Programme. For example, a chronic rash or breast lump.
  • Conditions, which are pathophysiological diseases or clinical diagnoses typically seen by doctors in a first appointment within the UK Foundation Programme. For example, asthma and eating disorders.

The content map was first published in September 2019 and was updated and reissued in March 2021, as an annex to Assuring readiness for practice: a framework for the MLA.

You can view the summary of changes. Thank you to all organisations and individuals for their feedback, which helped inform our revisions.

As the content map is a live document, we're committed to keeping it up to date with timely revisions, to ensure it continues to be reflective of day-to-day medical practice.

We’ve recently undertaken a targeted engagement exercise to review the content within the document’s pre-existing domains and, as a result, will be publishing an updated content map in September 2025, with an appropriate implementation timeline for medical schools to implement any updates. If you'd like to know more, or want to provide feedback on the content map, please email us: