Evidence required
You must provide documentary evidence to show that you’ve:
- knowledge and skills consistent with practice as a consultant in the UK health services
- made a significant contribution to your chosen academic or research field.
Additionally, you must:
- provide a statement outlining why your academic and research work gives you the knowledge, skills and experience consistent with the standards of a consultant in the UK health services.
Please refer to our specialty specific guidance (SSG) for advice on the type of evidence you should submit.
We can deal with your application quicker if you make sure you only send us evidence that’s directly relevant. We would usually expect to see between 800 and 1000 pages of evidence.
Evidence over the time period set out in the SSG most closely related to your specialty will be given less weight than more recent evidence, so you may not need to include it.
Once you’ve submitted your application, you should send us your evidence within 14 days. We’ll let you know how to send your evidence electronically.
Your evidence should be structured so that we can assess it properly.
Your application dividers
It’s really important you download and print our divider pack to help you arrange and present your evidence correctly. You must follow the structure of these dividers when ordering your evidence.
Listing evidence
Once we’ve given you a hard copy application, you should follow the instructions in the application form to ensure you complete this correctly.
Evidence of your qualifications
You’ll need to enter the details of any specialist medical qualification(s) and any other relevant qualifications you have. You should submit evidence of the qualifications you list and the curriculum or syllabus you followed.
Listing your evidence
In the evidence section of your application form, you must list each piece of evidence you intend to submit. If you don’t intend to submit evidence for a section, you need to confirm this.
This part of the application is divided up to match the specialty specific guidance that you should have already read.
So that your application can be processed effectively, its vital you follow these top tips:
- Group your evidence – you should structure your around the sections of the SSG for A or R and list them individually in the application form – you shouldn’t provide more than around 1000 pages of evidence
- Describe your documents – ensure your documents have a title that matches your evidence pro-forma and provide a concise and accurate description for each document – if your evidence isn’t clear it will be returned to you
- Don’t duplicate – don’t provide the same piece of evidence more than once as it will take us longer to process your application – you can cross-reference evidence in the summary of evidence you’re providing for a section in your application
You should contact us with any queries you have about how to submit your evidence in the application before you submit your application. You can contact us on 0161 923 6602 or portfolio@gmc-uk.org.
User guide
We’ve created a step-by-step user guide to help you complete your application. This will confirm how you should complete each stage of the application and upload your evidence electronically.
It’s vital that you read this user guide before starting an application. If you don’t provide you evidence in line with our guidance, we won’t be able to accept it and it may take us longer to process your application.
We strongly recommend that you have this user guide open when collating your evidence and completing your online application.
You should contact us with any queries you have about how to submit your evidence in the application before you submit your application. You can contact us on 0161 923 6602 or portfolio@gmc-uk.org.