Overseas medical qualifications we may accept
- Overseas medical qualifications we may accept
- Qualifications not listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools
- Glossary
We assess these qualifications on a case by case basis against our current criteria. Please note that the criteria we use to define an acceptable overseas qualification may change.
Country |
Medical institution |
Afghanistan |
Albania |
Aruba |
Antigua and Barbuda |
Bangladesh |
Belarus |
Brazil |
Cayman Islands |
China |
Curacao |
Georgia |
Guyana |
India |
Iraq |
Japan |
Kazakhstan |
- Alma-Ata State Medical Institute
Mauritius |
Nigeria |
Russia |
Samoa |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Saint Lucia |
Saint Maarten (formerly the Netherlands Antilles) |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Serbia |
Somalia |
Sri Lanka |
Syrian Arab Republic |
Sudan |
Thailand |
Turkey |
Uganda |
Ukraine |
United States of America |
What should you do if your medical school is listed?
If you are a graduate of any of the institutions on this list, and you are thinking of applying to sit the PLAB test or registering with us, please email gmc@gmc-uk.org.
You need to include your GMC reference number (if you have one) and full details of your medical school.
Why is your medical school on this list?
There are a number of reasons why we may add a medical institution to this list. For example, where we have information that:
the medical school offers courses that lead to qualifications that do not meet the criteria alongside some courses that do.
I am an administrator of a medical school on this list
If you are from a medical school which appears on this list, you can request a review of your institution's qualification at any time. Simply complete the medical school qualification review form and send it to us, along with any evidence, for assessment. We also have guidance to help you complete the form. If you have any queries, please contact GMCRegInvTeam@gmc-uk.org.