I don't currently work as a trainee; how do I get WPBAs?

We would advise that you try to speak to colleagues to arrange time for work-based assessments, across a range of clinical presentations for your specialty.

Do e-portfolios require authentication?

We can’t access e-portfolios, so they need to be downloaded and added to the application as a separate document, we don't accept links to them. They do require verification by someone at the institution where the WPBAs took place, while we are aware that some colleges/faculties sign off on the e-portfolios, as this is a separate process from a Portfolio application, therefore this needs to be added as documentary evidence and verified.

I'm working overseas and there is evidence asked for in the SSG that we do not have?

We would ask that you look for evidence which may be equivalent, so involves the same skills/knowledge in your area and upload that evidence. If you cannot provide much of the type of evidence suggested in the SSG, it is likely that your application will be unsuccessful, and we would advise you delay your application until you are able to gather the required evidence.

What is the difference between medical reports and case histories?

Medical reports tend to be official documents from the institution where the treatment/procedure/report took place. Case histories can be a summary of a case, detailing the doctor's involvement with the patient, patient history, treatment plan, doctor's learning points and reflections. You should check your Specialty Specific Guidance, as this may give more detail as to what is expected as evidence for medical reports/case histories.

A new curriculum is due to be published, how will this be managed?

When a new curriculum is published, we implement a transition period from the old to new curriculum. The amount of time is agreed by the relevant college/faculty and us, but as standard, is a minimum of 12 months (page 5 point 24). Our position statement regarding this was updated in May 2021 and is available online. The Specialty Specific Guidance (SSG) for your specialty will be updated with the new transition deadline dates and any other relevant information at the point when the new curriculum is due to be published.

Once my application is submitted, will I be able to add further evidence?

We would advise that you do not submit your application until you are satisfied that you have provided adequate evidence to meet the requirements as set out in the Specialty Specific Guidance (SSG). However, we appreciate that occasionally there will be some evidence to be added. Therefore once your application has been assigned to an adviser and they have completed their initial assessment of your evidence, you will be able to add further evidence. We would ask that you do not email evidence to us, to assist your adviser, this should be uploaded to your online application.

One of my verifiers has recently retired, can they still be my verifier?

We would require that at the time of submitting your application; all of your verifiers currently work at the institutions where the evidence is being provided from. Your verifiers need to be available for contact by the GMC during the application process and may need to access hospital records; therefore, we don't advise you nominate someone who has retired.

Can I replace one of my verifiers?

Yes, you would need to provide a new proforma which has been completed by the new verifier, listing all the evidence from that institution. You should email your adviser to let them know which verifier will be replaced and provide contact information for your new verifier.

Can I replace one of my referees?

Yes, you can replace a referee, as long as your primary referee is still in a Clinical/Lead /Medical Director position you should email with the new referee contact information and UID (if GMC registered).