on the registrant's registration
Warnings are issued to indicate when a registrant's behaviour or performance is significantly below the standards expected, but when restricting a registrant's practice is not necessary. See more on warnings.
20 Aug 2024
20 Aug 2025
Dr Sohail Khan
Between 2018 and December 2019, as the Medical Director of BestCare Diagnostics Limited, he failed to monitor the performance levels of the sonographers carrying out work for BestCare. As a result, Dr Khan was unable to provide accurate information in a timely manner to assist with a Clinical Harm Review. Dr Khan only instigated four Serious Incident Reports during the time he was the Medical Director. Three of these concerned basic imaging errors of interpretation, provided limited information, lacked clarity, were not completed in a timely manner, and were not investigated properly in that no attempt was made to instruct a third party to assess the quality of the imaging and ensure that a thorough Root Cause Analysis was carried out. Dr Khan did not discharge his role regarding his duty of candour in respect of two of the Serious Incident Reports instigated. These concerns should have prompted Dr Khan to invoke a clinical review to assess the overall performance of BestCare, but he did not do so.
There was a significant departure of Good Medical Practice and fell significantly below the standards expected of a Medical Director.
This conduct does not meet with the standards required of a doctor carrying out the role of a Medical Director. It risks bringing the profession into disrepute and it must not be repeated. The required standards are set out in Good Medical Practice and associated guidance. In this case, paragraphs 7, 12, 14 and 65 of Good Medical Practice are particularly relevant, which states:
7 You must be competent in all aspects of your work, including management, research and teaching.
12 You must keep up to date with, and follow, the law, our guidance and other regulations relevant to your work.
14 You must recognise and work within the limits of your competence.
65 You must make sure that your conduct justifies your patients’ trust in you and the public’s trust in the profession.
Whilst this failing in itself is not so serious as to require any restriction on Dr Khan's registration, it is necessary in response to issue this formal warning.
This warning will be published on the medical register in line with our publication and disclosure policy, which can be found at www.gmc-uk.org/disclosurepolicy.’