How we define the SAS and LE doctor population
- How we define the SAS and LE doctor population
- Using the education data tool
The survey was open to all doctors who, at the time, were not currently on a GMC approved training programme or working in a consultant or GP post (except locum consultant posts). In the survey we asked respondents to define their contracted role or post, and using these responses identified two broad populations: SAS doctors and LE doctors.
In the reporting tool we combined some of the LE doctor groups to make the data as meaningful as possible.
SAS doctors
Respondents that selected any of the following:
- Speciality doctor
- Associate specialist (Pre-2008 contract)
- Associate specialist (2008 contract).
LE doctors
Respondents that selected any of the following:
Option in survey | Grouping in reporting tool |
Staff grade doctor Hospital practitioner Clinical assistant Senior clinical medical officer Clinical medical officer Trust doctor Trust registrar |
Trust doctor |
Clinical fellow Teaching fellow |
Fellow post - all clinical, research and academic incl. Medical training initiative (MTI) and Widening access to specialty training (WASP). |
Locum appointment for training (LAT) Locum appointment for service (LAS) Academic |
Locum - all locum posts, incl. locum consultant |
Other role or post | Other or unspecified post - all other posts, incl. occupational health, independent practitioners and GPs. |