Working with doctors Working for patients

0-18 years: guidance for all doctors

0-18 years: guidance for all doctors

This guidance is for all doctors, whether or not they routinely see children and young people as patients. Doctors should also be aware of the needs and welfare of children and young people when they see patients:

  1. who are parents or carers
  2. who are cared for by children or young people, or
  3. who may represent a danger to children or young people.

0-18 years includes advice on a range of matters relevant to the treatment and care of children and young people, including communication, assessing best interests and confidentiality.

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Christopher, 5


Christopher is five years old. His mother is concerned that he is being bullied about his ears sticking out, and would like them to be pinned back. Christopher's parents are divorced.

View Christopher's scenario