Anaesthesia associate registration assessment – clinical capability assessment guide
The anaesthesia associate registration assessment – clinical capability assessment (AARA-CCA) is a workplace-based assessment undertaken during an AA’s course of study.
The CCA consists of five entrustable professional activities, or EPAs, to assess a student’s clinical and professional skills. EPAs cover key activities which newly qualified AAs should be capable of performing with appropriate supervision.
During the second year of your course, you will need to collate evidence that demonstrates that you are able to work at specific levels of supervision through supervised learning events (SLEs) using entrustment scales. Once all EPAs have been completed, your course provider will verify them and then submit an AARA-CCA completion form.
We will review all AARA-CCA submissions and once assured that all requirements have been met will confirm a pass in the AARA-CCA.
An AARA-CCA pass will remain valid for two years from the course providers recorded date of verification at submission.
Where a submission does not meet our quality assurance requirements you may be asked to submit further evidence or arrange for a re-submission.
If you have any questions about your CCA or the evidence you need to collate, please speak to your course provider.