Information about the anaesthesia associate registration assessment

The anaesthesia associate registration assessment (AARA) is set at the level of a newly qualified AA. It helps us make sure eligible AAs have the right knowledge and skills to demonstrate their readiness to practise in the UK.

Do you need to take the assessment?

If you started an approved two-year AA training course from September 2023 onwards, you need to pass both parts of the AARA, and get your AA qualification, before you can apply for registration with the GMC.

If you are a qualified AA or a student AA who started a course before September 2023 you do not need to take the AARA.

If you are an AA with an overseas qualification and you want to apply for registration, you will need to contact our Associate Professions Applications Team, so they can assess your qualification and advise you of the next steps.

What does the assessment involve?

There are two parts to the AARA:

  • a written knowledge test – known as the AARA-KT
  • an assessment of clinical skills undertaken in the workplace during the course of study – called the clinical capability assessment, or AARA-CCA.

What do you need before you can take the assessment?

Before you can take the AARA, you’ll need your GMC reference number. If you are studying towards an AA qualification in the UK, we’ll email you during the second year of your course to give you your GMC reference number and invite you to book a place on the AARA-KT.

AARA knowledge test (AARA-KT)

The AARA-KT is a written exam made up of 150 multiple choice questions, which you must answer within three hours. Each starts with a short scenario followed by a question. You need to choose the single best answer out of a range of possible options. You can sit the AARA-KT at a number of venues in the UK. Read our AARA-KT guide to find out more information on dates, locations and how to book a test place.

An AARA-KT pass will remain valid for two years from the date the test is taken. If you do not register within this timeline you may need to re-sit the AARA-KT.

AARA-KT guide

AARA Clinical Capability Assessment (AARA-CCA)

The AARA-CCA is a workplace-based assessment undertaken during your course of study. The CCA consists of five entrustable professional activities, or EPAs, to assess your clinical and professional skills.

EPAs cover key activities that newly qualified AAs should be capable of performing with appropriate supervision. Your course provider will send us your fully completed and signed EPA documentation to review. You should speak to your course provider for further information about this process.

The AARA-CCA pass will remain valid for two years from the course provider's recorded date of verification at submission.

AARA-CCA guide

What happens after you’ve passed both the AARA-KT and AARA-CCA?

Once you’ve passed both parts, and your course provider has confirmed that you have been awarded your AA qualification, we will invite you to apply for registration. At the point of applying for registration you must have passed both parts of the AARA which are independently valid for two years.

The AARA-KT pass remains valid for two years from the date the test was taken.

The AARA-CCA pass will remain valid for two years from the course providers recorded date of verification at submission.