Overseas medical qualifications we do not accept
- Summary
- When we consider the acceptability of overseas Primary Medical Qualifications
- Our criteria for acceptable overseas qualifications
- Overseas medical qualifications we do not accept
Below are the primary medical qualifications that we don't currently accept due to previous assessments against our criteria.
Country |
Medical institution |
Antigua and Barbuda |
Belize |
China |
Cook Islands |
Georgia |
Kazakhstan |
For all doctors who completed the five year ‘Bachelor of Healthcare in General Medicine’ qualification
For all doctors who completed the five year ‘Bachelor of Healthcare in General Medicine’ qualification |
Korea, Republic of |
Liberia |
Saint Lucia |
Senegal |
Serbia |
Seychelles |
Ukraine |
Why is your medical school on this list?
There are a number of reasons why we might not accept a qualification. For example, if we:
- have information that shows the qualification doesn't meet our acceptability criteria
- have questions about the acceptability of the qualification and, after investigation, are not satisfied that the qualification is acceptable
- get information about irregularities of the programme of study or the awarding of qualifications and are not satisfied that the qualification is acceptable.
We only place a medical school on this list once we have carried out a full investigation and concluded that it is the most appropriate course of action.
If you have any queries about this list, please contact us.
Please note that the criteria we use to define an acceptable overseas qualification can change.
I am an administrator of a medical school on this list
If you are from a medical school which appears on this list, you can request a review of your institution's qualification at any time. Simply complete the medical school qualification review form and send it to us, along with any evidence, for assessment. We also have guidance to help you complete the form. If you have any queries, please contact GMCRegInvTeam@gmc-uk.org.