Awarding bodies and new schools
Who can award UK medical degrees?
- The University of Aberdeen
- Aston University
- Anglia Ruskin University
- The University of Birmingham
- The University of Bristol
- The University of Buckingham
- The University of Cambridge
- Cardiff University
- The University of Dundee
- The University of East Anglia
- The University of Edinburgh
- The University of Exeter
- The University of Glasgow
- Imperial College London
- Keele University
- King's College London
- Lancaster University
- The University of Leeds
- The University of Leicester
- The University of Liverpool
- The University of London
- The University of Manchester
- The University of Newcastle
- The University of Nottingham
- The University of Oxford
- The University of Plymouth
- Queen Mary University of London
- The Queen's University of Belfast
- The University of Sheffield
- The University of Southampton
- St George's University of London
- University of Sunderland
- Swansea University
- The University of Central Lancashire
- University College London
- The University of Warwick
- A combination of the University of Brighton and the University of Sussex
- A combination of the universities of Dundee and St. Andrews
- A combination of the University of Hull and the University of York
New schools and programmes under review
We carry out quality assurance of bodies which want approval to issue a medical degree, or to start a new programme. Below is a list of institutions and programmes which are being reviewed to award UK medical degrees.
New schools and programmes
- University of Bolton School of Medicine
- Brunel University London Medical School
- University of Chester Medical School
- Edge Hill University Medical School
- Kent and Medway Medical School
- The Pears Cumbria School of Medicine
- University of Surrey, School of Medicine
- Three Counties Medical School
- Ulster University School of Medicine
Overseas programmes
- King's College London/Southern University of Science and Technology
New schools reports
As part of the quality assurance process we collect evidence and produce reports on the results of the visits and monitoring that we carry out.