Medical register help guide


How do I use the search page?

Enter your search criteria and click Search.

Search for a doctor

You can search for a doctor's details using:

  • GMC reference number
  • Given name
  • Surname
  • Gender


GMC reference number

This 7-digit reference number is unique and retained for life. Having a GMC reference number does not mean the doctor is allowed to practise. Doctors who used to be registered, as well as those who are applying to be registered (with or without a licence to practise) will have a GMC reference number.

Given name

This means the same as "first name" or "middle name".


This means the same as "family name", "last name" or "father's name".


This will be "man" or "woman".

Sounds Like

If you are not sure how to spell the doctor’s name then you can tick the 'Sounds Like' box. The system will try to list doctors whose names sound similar to your entry. For example, if you search for doctors called 'Anson' with Sounds Like ticked, the system will list doctors called ‘Anson’, ‘Aanesen’, ‘Ansons’, ‘Angwin’, ‘Anscombe’ and so on.

When using Sounds Like you should use the full version of the doctor’s name, for example ‘Phillip’ not ‘Phil’.