The state of medical education and practice in the UK

The state of medical education and practice in the UK is a series of publications released each year using our unique data and research. These publications report analysis and insights on the doctor workforce, how it is changing, its trajectory, and on doctors’ workplace experiences.

Barometer survey

We commissioned IFF Research to conduct an online survey of doctors: the Barometer survey.

The GMC Barometer survey is a tracking survey that we run every year to find out how doctors’ experiences of practising in the UK are changing over time. The key findings are reported in The state of medical education and practice in the UK.

Our latest survey, as in previous years, covered doctors’ satisfaction in their working lives, career intentions over the next year, experiences in the workplace and adaptations to pressurised environments.

We also commissioned independent research agency IFF Research to undertake follow up qualitative research to explore different dimensions of doctors’ workplace autonomy, and how this impacts their wellbeing and patient care.

2023 Barometer survey

Previous reports

See our findings from 2011 to 2023